Saturday, July 9, 2016

DIY Literacy: #cyberPD Reflection Ch 1-2 +Bonus

It's time!  During the month of July the #cyberPD community is reading DIY Literacy:  Teaching Tools for Differentiation, Rigor and Independence by Kate Roberts and Maggie Roberts.  This week we're looking at chapters 1-2 and the bonus chapter.  I've been lurking this week as participants have posted their reflections.  As usual, I'm amazed by the variety, the different ways to think about what we've learned, and the tools that have been created as participants think through the process.  If you have read DIY Literacy, are reading DIY Literacy, or plan to read DIY Literacy you should stop by the community to check out the reflections.  It's honestly quite inspiring.

My Response 
My response includes a few key points from the chapter and an attempt to work through the tools in thinking about supporting students in the study of structures for writing.

Like many participants I wanted to try some new digital tools during this virtual chat.  For this response, I chose Flowvella and then put the presentation into Explain Everything.  On a side note, I attempt to work through the charts/notebook/progression/bookmarks.  I would likely have charts/notebooks/progressions as digital and thought the chart and notebook page would help a student select a strategy which would then be written on a post-it for the student to try.    

More About July's #cyberPD Event
Participants post weekly reflections in the Google Community.
Our Book Talk Schedule:
  • Week of July 3rd: Ch 1&2 Bonus 
  • Week of July 10th: Ch 3&4 Week of 
  • July 17th: Ch 5&6
Our Twitter Chat Schedule
  • Thursday, July 7th at 10 AM EST:  Ch 1&2 Bonus
  • Thursday, July 14 at 10 AM EST:  Ch 3&4
  • Thursday, July 21 at 10 AM EST:  Ch 5&6
  • Final chat week of July 24th (time and date TBA)