Friday, July 8, 2016

MISSING - Lisa Harris - One Free Book

Dear Readers, it�s always a special day when I feature Lisa Harris on my blog. I first met Lisa when she came to the critique group I host in my home, many years ago. When she first read, I recognized her gift of storytelling. However, there were a number of ways we could help her hone her craft. She was an eager learner, and I�ve watched her writing grow and mature. As is often the case, the student has far surpassed the teacher. Her Christian romantic suspense novels are some of the best on the market. Now she and her husband are missionaries in Mozambique, Africa.

Welcome back, Lisa. What kind of files takes up the most space on your computer?
I�d have to say photos. Family photos, ministry photos, animal photos. . .can you tell I love photos?

And you take some very good ones. I love seeing them. Do you have plans to ever retire from writing? Why or why not?
From publishing books? Maybe, but I�m not sure I ever will completely retire from storytelling. The stories always seem to be there, waiting to be put down on paper.

Several years ago, I read a report that they�re finding a larger percentage of alzheimer patients among writers who stop writing than in the general population. I decided then and there to never stop writing. Are you a stay at home kind of person, or do you like to be on the road a lot?
We travel a lot for our ministry, but I�m really a stay at home kind of person. I love days when I don�t have to go anywhere.

Please share a Bible verse or passage that has had the most impact on your life.
This verse sticks out for me as a reminder to not give up, but to persevere.  �. . .let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.� Hebrews 12:1

Do you have a favorite Bible character? Who is it and why?
I�ve always loved Esther who was called for such a time as this. I want to be used by God in whatever way He has planned for my life.

I have always been interested in Esther. I even wrote a dramatic monologue of Esther. What has been your favorite time in your life? And why?
Whenever I have all my kids home at the same time. Right now they�re spread out in three different countries which is tough for a mama. So having them all together�whenever we can�is the best time.

Do you have an ereader? If so, what kind do you use?
Yes, I just got a Kindle Fire after we had one stolen and I like it. Living overseas without any bookstores nearby it�s wonderful to be able to instantly get books I want to read!

James gave me a Kindle Fire for Christmas. I didn�t even think he�d know how to go about doing something like that, and he really didn�t. But he asked our grandson-in-law and one of our daughters to help him. Do you read mostly print books or ebooks?
I still enjoy print books, but mostly read ebooks.

They�re surely easier to carry with you when you travel. Do you like to read books in the genres you write, or do you read only other genres � and why?
I love romantic suspense, but always find myself critiquing them way too much. When I read a historical, though, for example, I can just sit back and enjoy the story. Strange, maybe, but definitely true. So a romantic suspense book that makes me forget to critique is a keeper!

Please tell us about the book we�re featuring today.
I�m so excited about Missing. It�s book two in my Nikki Boyd Files series. Most of the comments I�ve been reading say that you can read it as a stand alone without any problems, but there are some overarching themes that you�d miss without reading Vendetta, book one.

Nikki Boyd isn�t usually called in on homicides; her forte is missing persons. But when a case with two murdered and two missing pops up on a quiet suburban street, she�s ready to start the investigation and find missing homeowners Mac and Lucy Hudson. When the first clues lead her to the boat of her friend Tyler Grant�and another dead body�Nikki must untangle what ties Tylerto the Hudsons. The clues pull her into a deadly maze of counterfeit drugs and a killer who will stop at nothing to silence anyone who threatens his business�including Nikki.

I know I�ll love this one. Please give us a peek at the first page of the book.
8:25 a.m., Thursday
Nashville suburb
Nikki Boyd slid out of her white Mini Cooper as two bagged bodies were being wheeled from the one-story house nestled in one of Nashville�s nicer suburbs. Her stomach clenched. Even after eight years on the force, the emotional challenges of the job had yet to make her completely calloused. It was impossible not to personalize some of what she saw. The cases she couldn�t solve. The brokenness she couldn�t fix. But neither could she let her cases become personal. She started down the walk where half a dozen police cars and the local medical examiner had parked in front of the taped-off crime scene, allowing both uniformed and plain-clothed officers to take over the sleepy, tree-lined street. One of her teammates, Jack Spencer, stood waiting for her on the curb dressed in one of his suit jackets and white dress shirt paired with a typical blue-and-orange paisley tie.

�Morning,� she said, holding up a takeaway box from her parents� barbeque restaurant. �I was having breakfast with my mom and Jamie when the call came in. Thought you might like a couple of my mom�s homemade cinnamon rolls to celebrate your first day back to work.�
Five weeks ago, he�d gotten shot in the middle of a hostage situation that had almost gotten both of them killed.

�You can�t imagine how happy I am to be back on the job,� Jack said. �Though next time, I�d appreciate it if you�d remind me to duck when someone starts shooting at me.�

Where can my readers find you on the Internet?
Drop by my website at www.lisaharriswrites.comto find out more about my books and life in Africa!

Thanks so much for having me, Lena!!

My pleasure and great blessing, Lisa.

Readers, here are links to the book. By using one when you order, you help support this blog.
Missing -
Missing (The Nikki Boyd Files) - Amazon, paperback
Missing (The Nikki Boyd Files Book 2)  - Kindle
Missing - audiobook

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The only notification you�ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

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