Secret Ways : Character Building

Friday, November 18, 2016


Today, I have a fun surprise that I�d like to share with you.To celebrate November, I�ve teamed up with more than 55 fantastic inspirational historical romance authors to give away a huge collection of novels, PLUS a Kindle Fire to one lucky...
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Thursday, November 17, 2016

Dear Michael (a letter to Michael Grant about GONE)

November 17, 2016Dear Michael Grant,Our conversation yesterday at Jason Low's opinion piece for School Library Journal didn't go well, did it? I entered it, annoyed at what you said last year in your "On Diversity" post. There, you said:Let me put this right up front: there is no YA or middle grade author of any gender, or of any race, who...
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TRUST MY HEART - Carol J Post - One Book Giveaway on This Blog, Plus More

Welcome, Carol. Tell us how much of yourself you write into your characters. A little less with each book! In my first book, Midnight Shadows, my heroine was basically a fictionalized version of me. I even made her a court reporter (my former...
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Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Turkey Fact Trackers!

Having any holiday fun in the classroom yet?  This is my favorite time of year, but boy can it turn stressful real quick!  There's so much to do at home and school that it can be so overwhelming... am I right?!  But most days...
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