Friday, May 15, 2015

PPBF: Nobody!

Today I'm delighted to feature this thought-provoking newcomer
from our friends at Free Spirit Publishing.

Title: Nobody!
Author: Erin Frankel
Illustrator: Paula Heaphy
Publisher: Free Spirit Publishing
Date: April 28, 2015
Suitable for: ages 5 - 9
Realistic Fiction
Themes: conflict, bullying behaviors, problem solving
Brief synopsis: A boy in Thomas' school is behaving in such a way that it makes Thomas feel like a nobody. With the necessary help and support from family, friends, and trust adults, Thomas finds that he can feel like somebody again.
Opening page: I used to like school. But that was before somebody decided to make my life miserable.

{Excerpt from Nobody! by Erin Frankel and illustrated by Paula Heaphy, copyright � 2015. Used with permission of Free Spirit Publishing Inc., Minneapolis, MN; All rights reserved.}

Visit the Free Spirit page to download the Leader's Guide.
Read a five-star review at Hall Ways.
Watch the Conscious Discipline clip Bullying Road Signs.
Compare and contrast with these titles that also have 
an anti-bullying theme:

Alley Oops by Janice Levy, Band-AidChicken by Becky Hinton, Billy Bully by Ana Galan, BirdChild by Nan Forler, Carla�sSandwich by Debbie Herman, Don�t Laugh at Me by Steven Seskin, Hey Little Ant by Phillip & Hannah Hoose, JungleBullies by Steven Kroll, Juice Box Bully by Maria Dismondy, MySecret Bully by Trudy Ludwig, One by Kathryn Otoshi, Say Something by Peggy Moss, Simon�sHook by Karen Gedig Burnett, Trouble Talk by Trudy Ludwig, You�reMean, Lily Jean by Frieda Wishinski

Why I like this book: If we don't talk about bullying behaviors or, worse, if we turn a blind eye, then the problem grows and children suffer. Their families suffer. We all suffer. Books like Nobody! help create an awareness of the devastating damage that even just one child's mean thoughts, words and deeds can do to someone's heart, mind and soul. Children deserve to feel safe at school, to like school, to thrive in school, so first and foremost, we must address it.

This 44-page social story is very real.
It approaches a sensitive subject with transparency and grace.
But the text doesn't leave us with a problem;
it offers up plausible solutions like thought-switching.
In the back, there are several pages dedicated to comprehending, processing, analyzing and reflecting. There are also two pages for caregivers to help readers unpack the details and understand the implications.

Use this gem to elevate empathy by stopping on every page to find out what your students would do, using questions like this:

What does Thomas want? How can you tell?
What would you need if you were Thomas?
If you were Patrick or Jay, what would you do differently?
What might it be like to be Kyle, the boy with bullying behaviors?
What would you want/need if you were he?
Have you ever felt like a Nobody?
What did you do?
Have you ever been the child with bullying behaviors?
Who helped you turn those behaviors around?

For more anti-bullying resources, visit
Author Trudy Ludwig's Bullying Basics 
Huffington Post: On Bullying

Thank you, Kid Prez and Soul Pancake, for this reminder:

Check out this book, then go to Susanna's blog
for today's other PPBF picks.