Saturday, November 12, 2016

Upcoming Seven Bridge Session

Seven Bridge Sessions 

Your Story Matters: Giving Memory A Home
with Mara Bright
Saturday, November 19, 2016
10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Thayer Memorial Library

During the workshop I plan to share my process as a memoir writer, covering such topics as how memoir and autobiography differ, what the writer�s obligation is to tell the truth, how the writer handles characters in the memoir who are alive and will recognize themselves, what structure works best for telling the writer�s story, and what the writer includes and what she leaves out.  I�ll answer other questions that arise and encourage response from participants.  

The rest of the workshop will be dedicated to writing to prompts � first a five minute warm-up prompt, which we�ll read aloud without comment and then a longer prompt, which again we�ll share with positive feedback only.  My intention is to honor everyone�s voice and to send participants off fired-up to begin writing their own memoir.

Please join us for this free event. 

For more information on Mara Bright, and this SBWC program, or to preregister,  please click here. For questions, contact us at