Oh math... How I love you! Teaching addition and subtraction with regrouping can be such a chore and nightmare. Addition normally comes pretty easy, but subtraction... that's a whole other story!
Hope and I decided last year that we were on a mission. A mission to get students up, engaged, and loving math! Our newest regrouping unit for 2nd grade students is just that. It's full of minilessons, resources, and activities that will make learning so much fun in your classroom! Let me show you!
In one of the weeks we focus on 3-digit addition with regrouping. This week has a superhero theme just to make the kids buy into it. We especially wanted to motivate our little boys!
Today the second graders did The Hulk Smash that is in Unit 4. They punch through a covered cup and pull out a problem to solve. As a class, they solved the equations on the whiteboard. After a few minutes we quickly noticed that they weren't using the Hulk hands that we provided. Turns out the students didn't want to ruin them because they wanted to show their parents after school!
After the minlesson they worked in partners to solve equations on their white boards. The first person to solve the equation correctly was able to hulk smash their problem!
After that we broke into superhero teams. I picked up superhero capes and masks in the party section at Hobby Lobby. They were cheap and low quality, but the kids loved them! Since they had yellow, blue, and red capes/masks, that is how I grouped the students. Each group had a set of 10 problems to solve together. Their goal was to crack the superhero riddle for their group. In order to do so, they had to solve the problem, collect the letter, and continue doing so until all ten problems were solved.
Look how hard they are working #littlethinkers #crackingthecode
After they solved all of the problems and had collected all of the letters, they had to unscramble the riddle answer. This was the so much fun!!!
The groups shared their riddles with each other, and we just had a blast being superheroes for the day! You can pick up this regrouping FREEBIE---> HERE!
And that's that! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!