BIO: Find your voice, live your story�is the foundation of Edie Melson�s message, no matter if she�s addressing parents, military families, readers of fiction, or writers. As an author, blogger, and speaker she�s encouraged and challenged audiences across the country and around the world. Her numerous books reflect her passion to help others develop the strength of their God-given gifts and apply them to their lives.
Considered a leading professional within the publishing industry, she travels to numerous conferences as a popular keynote, writing instructor and mentor. Her top-ranked blog for writers, The Write Conversation, reaches thousands each month, and she�s the Director of the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference. She�s a member of the Advanced Writers and Speakers Association and the Social Media Director for Southern Writers Magazine. She�s also the bi-weekly columnist for Guideposts� Military Family blog. She and her husband, Kirk, have been married 35+ years and raised three sons. They live in Simpsonville , South Carolina .
Welcome, Edie. Tell us how much of yourself you write into your characters.
I think some of my personal quirks slip in�sometimes unnoticed. For example, in this book, my hero is always unbuckling his seat harness before the aircar is fully landed. One of my critique partners called me on that odd behavior. Another spoke up, �Have you ever ridden with Edie? She always unbuckles her seatbelt as she�s driving into the garage.�
What is the quirkiest thing you have ever done?
Early in my career I was writing a profile piece for a young men�s magazine on the BMW Driving school. Of course to write accurately, I had to participate. One of the skills we learned was how to drift in a car. I also was able to take one of the high performance cars out on the speed track�with an instructor�and clocked out at over 140mph.
I imagine that was awesome. When did you first discover you were a writer?
My mother will tell you that I began writing as soon as I could crawl to a blank wall with a crayon in my hand. Truthfully though, I was young when I was bitten by the writing bug. I wrote my first book�longhand, in purple ink pen�in eighth grade.
Purple is my favorite color. Tell us the range of the kinds of books you enjoy reading.
I love a lot of books, suspense, sweet romance, science fiction, and I love classic cozy mysteries. My nonfiction choices are just as eclectic.
How do you keep your sanity in our run, run, run world?
I have two hobbies that help me slow down. I love to knit and always have something on my needles. I also adore photography. Getting out in nature and really looking at the world around me helps me focus on the moment.
How do you choose your characters� names?
I�m usually pretty random�choosing names I like for characters I like. But for this book, Alone, I did a lot of in depth research and used Biblical names. I did my best to match characters to the meaning of the names.
What is the accomplishment that you are most proud of?
My family. My husband and I have been married 35+ years and have raised three sons. The oldest two are married and live close by. Their wives are precious and have become like daughters to me. Our youngest is still at home, and I dread the day when he leaves. We�re all close, and the boys do things together several times a week.
If you were an animal, which one would you be, and why?
I would definitely be a cat. They move with grace, can bring joy just by being close by, and they�re never worried about anyone else�s opinion.
What is your favorite food?
Unfortunately, I love a lot of different types of food. But if I have to choose one, it would be TexMex. I grew up in Texas and for me, that�s the taste of home.
I love TexMex, but I also love regular Mexican food. We�ve spent time over the years in Mexico with our best friends who are missionaries there. What is the problem with writing that was your greatest roadblock, and how did you overcome it?
My biggest obstacle as a fiction writer is the fact that I began my writing career as a freelance writer. I take writing tight to a whole new level. In fiction, that always leaves me about thirty to forty thousand words short after I finish my first draft. I have to go back in and layer in the mood, setting, and subtext. I overcame it by practice and investing in time at conferences and workshops.
Excellent advice for any author. Tell us about the featured book.
This book began as an idea, 25 years ago. I love science fiction and the idea of having a main character who was faced with a twist. So often we see people portrayed as being willing to die for their faith, I wanted to see what would happen when the worst thing that could happen to my character was to make her live for her faith.
Please give us the first page of the book.
Only the chimes, oddly sweet, told the passing of time. This far beneath the surface, day and night were arbitrary, dictated by necessity, not nature. Bethany looked around at the other workers, some in standard issue coveralls and others, like her, in the tunics of slaves. Only she and Elisheba carried the mark of Seeker. They were the last two left in this worker block, both of them female, one too old to bear children and herself just entering adulthood.
Slave or free, the designation didn�t really matter. Their lives were all governed by someone else. She tried not to fidget as she waited for the supervisor, and Elisheba gave her a half smile from the opposite end of their shared station. The refuge of the chest-high worktop provided a place to lose herself in the tedium of work. Bethany nodded back at her friend, unwilling to speak and draw attention to them.
�I�m no seeker-slave.� The old woman at the next workstation glared in Bethany �s direction. �They shouldn�t force me to stand here waiting.�
Elisheba tapped the hardened steel worktop with her broken fingernail three times. It was their personal code for patience. Bethany didn�t need Elisheba�s caution. She wouldn�t answer the angry woman. She might have laughed had there been any energy left in her body. These people could label her anything they chose. She wasn�t here to please them. Her purpose was to endure�until the One finally called her home.
Sounds intriguing. I�m eager to get my copy. How can readers find you on the Internet?
My blog is
Alone is available on Amazon
Thank you, Edie, for sharing this book with us. I don�t read a lot of Sci-fi/Fantasy books, but I�ve read several I really liked. This sounds like it will be on that list.
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