Bio: REBECCA DEMARINO inherited her love of baking and gardening from her mother; a love of horses, reading, and writing from her dad�and the wanderlust gene from both parents. Her new novel, To Follow Her Heart released last month from Revell. She is the author of A Place in His Heart and To Capture Her Heart, books one and two of The Southold Chronicles. A free prologue to The Southold Chronicles series available here:
Welcome back, Rebecca. God has really been moving in your writing life. What do you see on the horizon?
I feel very blessed with my next project. Set in colonial times after the American Revolution, it is once again based on the lives of real people�although not my ancestors!
Tell us a little about your family.
My husband and I just celebrated our tenth anniversary! We both have grown children and eleven grandchildren with one more on the way for an even dozen :o) My father is now 93 and wrote started his first novel at age 86. He had a stroke before he finished it, but he did two years later. I had the privilege to help him write the last four chapters, him telling the story, me typing! Talk about an inspiration!
Has your writing changed your reading habits? If so, how?
Yes. I�ve always enjoyed fiction and my reading choices are pretty eclectic. But because I do so much historical research I mainly read nonfiction nowadays. And I love it!
What are you working on right now?
My third novel in The Southold Chronicles series released last month! And I�ve just finished a novel set in the late 1700�s, early 1800�s.
What outside interests do you have?
I enjoy gardening and baking, neither of which I�ve done a lot of lately! Travel is one of my passions too, and I�m gearing up for a bit of a book tour�starting in Hood River , Oregon , on September 2nd, followed by a week in Mowsley , England , and ending with a two-day book signing on Long Island , the setting for my series.
That sounds like a lot of fun. How do you choose your settings for each book?
My setting chose me, and I�ve loved it! My mother and I traveled to Long Island in 1999 to see the lighthouse named after our ancestor, Barnabas Horton. We learned so much about him at the historical society and library. His grave was covered with a large slab of blue slate. When we got home I wondered about his wife Mary�a young woman when she married this recent widower with two little boys. I decided to write a novel giving her a Point Of View. The setting began in Mowsley , England , and followed them to Southold, Long Island , where they were one of thirteen founding families.
If you could spend an evening with one historical person, who would it be and why?
It would have to be Mary Langton Horton. I�d ask her how much of her goals, motivations, and conflicts I got right!
What is the one thing you wish you had known before you started writing novels?
That I�d become obsessed and somewhat of a hermit! I focus everything on my research and writing�but I love it. And at this stage in my life, with my children grown, I can devote my days, and nights if need be, to my passion!
What new lessons is the Lord teaching you right now?
That He is faithful and His love never fails. And that God defines my success.
Amen to that. What are the three best things you can tell other authors to do to be successful?
I love this question. I would say write your passion(s). Be diligent in the time you have for writing�be it 30 minutes or all day. Try to turn off your internal editor and just get the story out. This one is a hard one for me! I at least try to limit my editing to a quick review of the previous day�s chapter�only minor fixes allowed. Finish your story�then go back. There are many people who start a book, far fewer finish them.
Tell us about the featured book.
In 1664, Patience Terry is devastated to learn that Captain Jeremy Horton�s ship has been shipwrecked off the coast of Barbados . There were no survivors. She had hoped that Jeremy would someday give up the sea and settle down with her in Southold, Long Island .
Unaware his memorial service is being planned, Jeremy sails aboard a British warship with secret orders to attack New Amsterdam and claim it for the British Crown. When he makes his surprise return to Southold�and to an overjoyed Patience�it�s not quite the happily-ever-after his beloved had hoped for.
Please give us the first page of the book.
July 16, 1664, Southold, Long Island
�Did you hear me?�
Patience Terry stood silent, her mind awhirl. Had she not guarded her heart against this day? Against this pain that ripped through her like a thunderbolt? She looked into Mary Horton�s teary hazel-blue eyes. The Swallow had shipwrecked off the coast of Barbados , tattered and abandoned. No survivors. Captain Jeremy Horton and his crew lost at sea. Some bodies recovered, but no survivors.
Her mouth opened, but no words came out. Her lungs ached, so bereft were they of any air, she of any hope. As her legs gave way, she fell to the pillowed bench in front of the hat display and buried her face in the folds of her blue silk skirt. Her shoulders heaved with each silent sob.
Her friend knelt and drew her into her arms. �That�s good, dear. Cry. Let the tears fall.�
Patience could no longer hold back as torrents of tears soaked her friend�s shoulder.
Mary�s gentle hands patted her back to comfort, but Patience�s temples pulsed with each new thought. Would she never be able to look up and see Jeremy�s form framed in the doorway again? Or could he lie hurt somewhere? She�d begged him at his last visit to give up the sailing, to make a home here in Southold. One she dreamt would include her.
�What if he�s not dead? What if he needs me?� She�d always prayed he would come to know he needed her in his life, but Lord, this was not how she�d envisioned it.
�You mustn�t think like that. The ship has sunk. There was such a storm. And if survivors were able to make land at all, they would have landed on the shores of Barbados . Nathaniel Sylvester brought the news himself. He�s just returned from his meetings there. �Tis such a shock to know both of Barney�s brothers are gone. It was so difficult when Thomas died. And now Jeremy. He was more than a friend to me, he was a dear brother.� Mary�s voice trailed as Patience�s sobs began anew.
The door blew open as hurricane-strength wind and summer rain swept in with Lizzie Fanning�s arrival, nearly lifting one of her own hat creations from her silvery curls. Mary�s older sister and Patience�s business partner, Lizzie looked in control as she slid the burgundy wool from her head, gave it a good shake, and settled it on a hat stand. �Mary told me on her way over here. I�m so sorry.� She enveloped her friend in a hug, her own tears trickling from violet eyes. She looked up at Mary. �I came immediately after I got my loaves out of the oven. Zeke is on his way to your house.�
Patience didn�t try to hide her pain as the tears escaped in rivulets down her cheeks. She�d never told them in so many words of her love for Jeremy, but the two sisters had pulled her into their family long ago, and matters of the heart were understood rather than spoken.
I love your writing, Rebecca. How can readers find you on the Internet?
I would love for readers to check out my website, and stop in to say hello on Facebookand Twitter ~ and I can also be found on Pinterest!Thank you, Rebecca, for sharing this new book with us. I look forward to the new series, too.
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To Follow Her Heart -
To Follow Her Heart: A Novel (The Southold Chronicles) (Volume 3) -
To Follow Her Heart (The Southold Chronicles Book 3): A Novel: Volume 3 - Kindle
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