Monday, August 29, 2016

Mastering Math Facts

Have you been racking your brain to think of ways to get your students motivated to master those math facts?  Over the years I have tried a number of things.  To tell you the truth, I've never stuck with any organization or program that I've tried.  But then when regrouping rolls around each year, I'm so mad at myself for giving up!  Fact fluency may seem boring and repetitive, but it is so important.  It helps our students to be able to solve more difficult problems with ease.  Plus, it's a standard, so it's important to figure out how we are going to teach, assess, and organize fact mastery.  Hope and I got together and made a plan that we both really love!  Welcome to Ninja Fact Masters!!!
Both of my children are obsessed with ninja books, practicing karate on each other, and the sneakiness that comes along with being a ninja.  We wanted to base our fact fluency program on something that both girls and boys could enjoy.
In Ninja Fact Master we have included all sorts of ideas on how to keep the assessments organized.  We tried to think of several ideas so that any teacher could pick up the unit and incorporate it right away!
 Here you can see that we organized the different assessments using a shoe organizer.  These can be picked up at the store.  Or you can find one on Amazon HERE.  This is a simple way to store those assessments so that students can just grab the level they are working on!  We color coordinated the copies to match the level colors, but you certainly don't have to!

We also know that teachers like to keep track of their student data so that they know which level their students are on.  We have included a couple of different ways to track data for both addition and subtraction.

Because we know that our students love to level up and show off their hard work, we also thought of a number of ways that teachers can display their students' achievement.  The best thing is there is room to make it however you want it to be!  With the several different options, we are certain you can find one that best fits the needs of you and your students!
Well, we all know that students need to practice that fact fluency in order to do well on the assessments and level up.  We also included flashcards that can be printed off if you don't have access to pre-made cards!
To find out more about Ninja Fact Masters click HERE! In the unit we have explained every little thing in detail so that you can make fact mastery work for your classroom!

If you really want to go all out, the Dollar Tree near me had soooooo much cool Ninja stuff!  Vests, Masks, Belts, and MORE!!!
And for you upper-level teachers, Ninja Fact Masters:  Multiplication and Division is HERE!

And, here are some fun songs your students might enjoy!