Sunday, July 3, 2016

The Basics of #cyberPD

Today's the day!!!  Woot!  Woot!

I've had my book, DIY Literacy by Kate and Maggie Roberts, on reserve waiting for July's #cyberPD event.  If you are joining us here are a few things you might want to know.

1.  Follow the conversation on Twitter using the hashtag #cyberPD.

2.  Join the #cyberPD Google Community.

3.  Introduce yourself in the Google Community.

4.  Read the introductions.  You might find people you'd especially like to connect with in this event.

5.  Read each week's chapters.

6.  Post your reflection before the end of the week in the Google Community (post directly on Google, add a link to your blog reflection, or link other digital reflections, anything goes).

7.  We suggest that you comment on at least three posts in each week's conversation.  It's the strong digital citizenship of this group that makes this a great experience year after year.

8.  Make the event what you need it to be for your learning.

You might want also want to know:

  • You can join our collaborative Pinterest Board

  • You can join our weekly Twitter chats each Thursday morning at 9 a.m. CST/10 a.m. EST.

  • There will be a final Twitter chat.  (date & time to be announced later)

If you have any questions, Michelle Nero (@litlearningzone), Laura Komos (@LauraKomos), and I (@cathymere) are happy to help.

Welcome to the past participants who have helped to make this event one of the most amazing summer professional development experiences....and a big hello to all of the new people joining us this year.  We're so happy to have you.

Looking forward to the conversation.....