Dear Readers, the first time I became aware of Jamie Bryant was when I had a speaking event with a books signing at the assisted living center where she was the Executive Director. Soon after, I saw her at church. We had been going to the same church, and I hadn�t realized it. We�ve become good friends. This children�s book convinced me, she has many more to come. I enjoyed the story, and I know my great grandsons will, too. I�m looking forward to reading it to them.
Welcome, Jamie. What has drawn you to writing for children?
Having three children of my own that I loved to read to inspired me early on. Also I had a home childcare business for 15 years and I loved seeing the expressions and hearing the laughter of children as I read to them or when we went to the library for Story Time. Bringing joy, mystery, and surprise through my writing to children is very rewarding.
What is the quirkiest thing you have ever done?
When other people are talking I do the �mouth thing.� My lips are moving with theirs as they�re talking. Don�t know if I�m trying to help people talk (lol) or if I just love to talk so much I can�t wait for my turn. :)
When did you first discover that you were a writer?
I loved writing in school, but the writer in me really came out in 2001 (15 years ago). I had some challenges with forgiveness from my past that I couldn�t seem to move on from. One day I sat down and started writing about fun, happy times I had as a child, and through that exercise I kept remembering more and more wonderful things to write about. Truly writing brought not only healing but true forgiveness as I chose to cherish and remember the great memories and not the other ones. (It�s what prompted the stories in Fish Guts and Other Bedtime Stories)
Tell us the range of the kinds of books you enjoy reading.
Fiction: Christian Romance, and Short Stories.
Non-Fiction: Works of inspiration by pastors and leaders in body of Christ. I also love reading great children�s fiction and non-fiction books to my grandchildren.
What other books have you written, whether published or not?
Fish Guts and Other Bedtime Stories (Is published and a Re-launch scheduled in August 2016) Frog Funeral and Other Bedtime Stories (Set for publication September 2016) The Love Bug (Book One in The Fruit of the Spirit Collection, Due late July 2016) Sneeze and Toot (not yet published)
How do you keep your sanity in our run, run, run world?
My faith in Christ. Having an intimate, daily, personal relationship with Jesus Christ keeps me centered on what and who are really important in life�the who being People!
What is the accomplishment that you are most proud of, besides family?
Following my dream to see my writing to fruition and on bookshelves today.
If you were an animal, which one would you be, and why?
Okay this question puzzled me, so I did a test online to see what animal they said I was. LOL. After reading the results I agreed and I�m apparently an Otter! Why? Because they are petite, engaging, and mix easily with a wide range of personalities. When an otter gets focused on a problem it won�t give up until accomplished (That�s me) They are dedicated problem solvers. The otter did have a few not so desirable attributes too, but let�s don�t focus on those. :)
What is your favorite food?
I�d have to go with Italian (Pizza, Lasagna, Garlic Bread, Alfredo Sauce, Tiramisu)
Is it hard to break into the children�s market?
I don�t think so. Although there are a lot of wonderful children�s books out there when I�m looking for a book to read to my grandchildren I spend a great deal of time searching. I�m looking for great illustrations, humor, and for books that offer teaching moments.
What advice would you give to an author wanting to do that?
Sit down today and write. If you�re not an illustrator (I�m not) there are many ways today through a variety of websites to get great illustrations at a great price. Also you will need to not just be a writer but the primary Sales and Marketing Department for your book. If you don�t sell it, who will?
What would you like to tell us about the featured book?
Monkey in the Mailbox is the first book in a series (Denny�s Surprise Day Series) about a young boy named Denny. On a routine visit to get the mail, Denny is met with a big surprise. The only problem for Denny is, he�s the only one who sees what�s in the mailbox. Children of all ages will enjoy seeing what surprises greet Denny is this humorous fun story.
How can readers find you on the Internet?
Facebook: @jamiebryantbooks
Twitter: @readjamiebryant
Instagram: @jamiebryantsbooks
Thank you, Jamie, for sharing this new book with us. I know my readers will enjoy having it for the children in their lives.
Readers, here are links to the book. By using one when you order, you help support this blog.
Monkey in the Mailbox (Denny's Surprise Day Series) (Volume 1)Monkey in the Mailbox: Fun, Humorous Book For Children Ages 4-6 (Denny's Surprise Day Series 1) - Kindle
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