Welcome back, Jamie. What is your inspiration for writing?
This particular book, The Love Bug, was inspired by the word of God in Galatians 5:22, 23. As I read that passage one day my mind imagined characters and how they could live out the nine fruits of the Spirit. I wrote down the nine titles that day, nearly eighteen years ago.
Since you primarily write children�s books, do you ever have children read and offer suggestions in the editing process?
Absolutely! I have nine grandchildren and all of them have had input in the books I�ve had published this year. My favorite conversation to date is when two of my granddaughters told me what they loved about my book. Next they had me sit down while they gently shared their suggestions for correction. It was adorable and great feedback.
What legacy do you hope to leave in your writing for your children and grandchildren?
Eventually I would love to leave a few dollars from sales of the books, but mostly just the laughter, the fun, and getting to read �Grandma�s heart.�
Does your writing make you laugh out loud?
Most certainly at times. I smile a lot too especially when I see the illustrations complete.
Aren�t there enough children�s books already out there?
Absolutely Not!
Name a children�s book that makes you smile.
Without question, Clifford, The Big Red Dog.
If a children�s book was written about you, what would the title be and why?
She Saw It All. I tend to see everything, especially people. I always notice the person who just walked in a room that no one is talking to. I notice a family in the distance who are having a disagreement. I notice children sitting, reading, and playing. I notice when someone is not themselves. I just see things, and I�m sure it�s a gift from the Lord to notice especially when people are hurting and try to help.
5 Quick Answers:
Salt or Pepper?
My answer: Pepper
Coffee or Tea?
My answer: Coffee
Blue or Red?
My answer: Blue
Breakfast or Dinner?
My answer: Breakfast for Dinner :-)
Fishing or Sitting on a Beach?
My answer: Fishing Every time!
When did you know you would be a writer?
Always I believe. I�ve always had something to say. (just ask my family and friends) I journal. I save every card and letter. I have all my high school scrapbooks, and even a calendar of what took place day by day when I was 17 years old dating my future husband.
What�s in your heart that hasn�t made it to paper yet?
A novel about my grandparents.
I�d love to see you writing that. What would you like to tell us about the featured book?
The Love Bugis a story about a very special lady bug, that has black hearts instead of black dots on her little body. She gets made fun of by a sassy Bumblebee, and her mother has the opportunity to teach her about the fruit of the Spirit �love� from the Bible.
How can readers find you on the Internet?
Website: jamiebryantbooks.com
E-mail: authorjamiebryant@gmail.com
Thank you for sharing this new book with us. My great grandson's loved the first one. I'm sure they'll love this one, too.
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The Love Bug (The Fruit of the Spirit Collection Book 1)The print book is available here:
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