Tuesday, June 7, 2016

MEDICAL JUDGMENT - Richard L Mabry, MD - One Free Book on this Blog, Plus Much More

Dear Readers, we have another medical suspense novel from Richard L Mabry, MD.

Welcome, Richard. Do you have a favorite genre to write? If so, what is it?
I�ve always enjoyed suspense and thrillers, and although I started out writing straight novels, I eventually moved into writing in that genre. Because I have almost four decades of experience in medicine, it seemed natural to write in that sub-genre. And as for Christian fiction, I�ve been a Christian since my mid-teens, and it just seemed natural to write from that viewpoint.

If you didn�t live in the part of the country where you do, where would you live?
For several years, Kay and I had a timeshare condo in North Carolina for a week in the fall, when the leaves were turning. We liked the people, and the weather was nice when we were there�but I don�t think I�d like to live there year-round. There are lots of other areas in the USwe enjoy visiting, but I think when all�s said and done, we�re happy staying in north Texas.

What foreign country would you like to visit and why?
We loved Germany, and would like to go back, not just because I speak the language and we enjoy the food and the scenery, but also because we were treated well by the people we encountered. Of course, that may have all changed since we were there last. Actually, our whole world has changed.

Describe what you think would be the most romantic vacation you could take.
I�d enjoy going back to the little inn on the island of Santoriniin Greece. It was a lovely setting, and our time there was very relaxing.

Where would you like to set a story that you haven�t done yet?
Thus far, all my novels and novellas have either been set in the Dallas area or in fictional towns I�ve created based on real places in the area, mainly because I�m familiar with them. If I decided to change my setting, I�d probably choose somewhere in the northeast�Boston or New York. Of course, that would require a tax-deductible trip for research, and even after travel there, I�d probably get something wrong.

What is the main theme of this novel?
Medical Judgment is about a widowed emergency-room doctor who, although she seems to have lost her support system, struggles to be strong and survive despite crisis after crisis.

Tell us about the story.
Someone is after Dr. Sarah Gordon. They�ve stalked her, then set a fire at her home, and she has no idea what will come next. Her late husband�s best friend and a recovering alcoholic detective are trying to solve the mystery before it�s too late, but both appear to be vying for her affection as well. Sarah finds herself in constant fear as the process plays out. The questions keep mounting. Who is doing this? Why are they after her? What will they do to her? Will it mean her death? And, meanwhile, whom can she trust?

Please give us the first page of the book.
The smell of smoke gradually nudged Dr. Sarah Gordon from a troubled sleep into a state of semi-wakefulness. Hours earlier she�d finally given in and taken a sleeping pill. Now it made her feel? She eased up in bed, resting on one elbow, and sniffed the air around her. There it was again. The smoke was real.
Her brain, still numbed by sleep and Ambien, took a few seconds to make the connection. Smoke meant fire. Something in her house was burning�perhaps the whole house was about to go up in flames. She had to wake Harry. He�d take charge. After she awakened him, they�d hurry down the hall together and get Jenny. Then Harry would lead them to safety.
Sarah reached to her left across the king-sized bed, but when her hand touched a bare pillow, the reality hit her, forcing her fully awake more effectively than a bucket of ice water. Her husband wasn�t there. He�d never be there again. He was dead. He�d been dead for eight months now. So had Jenny, their two-year-old daughter. Sara was alone . . . in a burning house.
But was she alone? She had a vague recollection of hearing a noise about the same time she became aware of the smoke smell. Was someone out there waiting for her? Or was that part of a dream as well? Should she stay here in the bedroom until she was sure?

How can readers find you on the Internet?

I love connecting with my readers and invite them all to connect with me via the Internet. My website is rmabry.com. I�m on Twitter (twitter.com/RichardMabry) and Facebook (facebook.com/rmabrybooks). I blog twice a week at rmabry.blogspot.com.

Just what the doctor ordered: heart-thumping suspense and intrigue, courtesy of Richard Mabry�s new medical drama, Medical Judgment. Someone is after Dr. Sarah Gordon. They�ve stalked her and set a fire at her home. Trying to recover from the traumatic deaths of her husband and infant daughter is tough enough, but she has no idea what will come next. As the threats on her life continue to escalate, so do the questions: Who is doing this? Why are they after her? And with her only help being unreliable suitors in competition with each other, whom can she really trust?

Join Richard in celebrating the release of Medical Judgment by entering to win an e-reader!

medical judgment - 400 

One grand prize winner will receive:
  • A copy of Medical Judgment
  • A Kindle Fire HD 6
Enter today by clicking the icon below, but hurry! The giveaway ends on June 21st. The winner will be announced June 22nd on the Litfuse blog.

medical judgment - enterbanner

Thank you, Richard, for sharing this new book with us. Many of my blog readers join me in eagerly awaiting your next book. We all are thrilled with a new one.

Readers, here are links to the book. By using one when you order, you help support this blog.
Medical Judgment - Christianbook.com
Medical Judgment - Amazon, paperback
Medical Judgment - Amazon, Kindle
Medical Judgment - Amazon, Hardback

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. You must follow these instructions to be in the drawing. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you�ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you�re reading this on Goodreads, Google+, Feedblitz, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here�s a link: