Dear Readers, I�ve known Janet Lee Barton for decades. We both started writing for the same publisher, and we became good friends. Her featured book is part of her current Boardinghouse Betrothal series. I�ve followed the various people who came to the Heaton House and subsequently found their forever love. Her settings for this book are authentic, and her characters will grab your heart and bring you along on their adventures.
Welcome back, Janet. What are some of the spiritual themes you like to write about?
I like to write about forgiveness, trust, and how we sometimes judge others when we should be looking at our own short fallings.
What other books of yours are coming out soon?
I have a contemporary novella called To Heal a Cowboy�s Heart out now. It�s a sequel to the novel Stormy�s Rainbow. I�m working on another Boardinghouse Betrothal (to soon be known as Heaton House) story. For those who have been reading the series, it will be Julia�s story.
Yes, we�ll be featuring your cowboy novella a little later on this blog. If you could spend an evening with one contemporary person (not a family member of yours), who would it be and why?
I�ve always wanted to meet George W. and Laura Bush. I loved how they brought dignity to the White House, and we don�t get to hear much from them any longer.
Since they spend most of their time when they�re not on the Crawford ranch at their house in Dallas , I�m blessed to see news stories about them. They�re very low key, but they do a lot of charity things. She in literacy, and the former president with wounded warriors and other veteran events. He truly is and was a president we could respect. What historical person would you like to meet (besides Jesus) and why?
In researching these stories, I found out about Clara Driscoll who was over the �Tiffany Girls,� the women who worked for Tiffany making stained-glass lampshades, but never really got credit for it. I�d like to meet her and find out more about what it was like to be a woman at the turn of the century, living in a boardinghouse and being independent in that time period.
The turn of the 19thcentury into the 20th was a very interesting time of change. How can you encourage authors who have been receiving only rejections from publishers?
If you love writing and get joy out of it, keep at it. Keep learning and don�t give up.
Rejections are a part of this life, so don�t let them get you down. Even published authors get proposals rejected. And you don�t know what they�ve recently contracted or what they bought last year that might be coming out soon that might be similar to your story, so don�t take it personal.
Tell us about the featured book.
With no teaching positions open, Georgia Marshall agrees to become the temporary nanny for the two little girls next door. But she soon becomes enamored of the precocious children and their dashing but distant widowed father. Though she's falling for him, she can't help but think that the nobleman is out of her reach.
After the tragic loss of his wife, Tyler Walker swore he�d never again give his heart away. Until his neighbor brightens his home and brings some much-needed stability to his motherless family. But he refuses to allow this arrangement with the pretty teacher to become permanent � no matter how much he wants Georgia by his side�forever
Please give us the first page of the book for my readers.
Georgia Marshall stepped off the trolley and headed down the sidewalk toward Gramercy Park and Heaton House. The spring day was beautiful with clear blue skies and sunshine, along with trees and flowers beginning to bud, but she was preoccupied and barely noticed. After her interview with the school superintendent, it appeared she must give up on finding a teaching position until the next term, which meant she needed to find employment as soon as possible.
Thankfully, she had some money saved from her teaching days in Virginia . And when she arrived in New York City , Mrs. Heaton had refused to charge her rent until she found suitable employment. She�d insisted Georgia was a family friend and she didn�t want her to feel pressured. Because of her charitableness, Georgia hadn�t needed to dig into her savings.
However, she couldn�t take advantage of Mrs. Heaton�s kindness any longer. She would find employment, even if it wasn�t in her preferred field. She refused to return home. There was nothing for her there. She�d pour over the classifieds again later that evening in hopes of finding something she might be qualified for.
Just walking up the steps to Heaton House comforted her. Georgia had felt at home from the very first and the warm and welcoming feeling always seemed to lift her spirits. She let herself in, surprised to hear a man�s voice in the parlor at teatime. It was unusual for any of the male boarders to be home at this time of day.
She peeked inside to see Mrs. Heaton speaking to her new neighbor from England , if his accent was any indication.
�Georgia , dear! Come in and join us. I believe you might have met at Matt and Millicent�s wedding last month, but if not, let me introduce you to Sir Tyler Walker. Sir Tyler, Miss Marshall is a family friend and boarder here.�
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Thank you, Janet, for sharing this new book with us. I really love that cover. Of course, I also love the story.
Readers, here are links to the book. By using one when you order, you help support this blog.
A Nanny for Keeps - Christianbook.comA Nanny for Keeps (Boardinghouse Betrothals)
A Nanny for Keeps (Boardinghouse Betrothals) - Kindle
Comments: What other books have you read that were set at the turn of the 19th to the 20th century?
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