Friday, April 15, 2016

There You Are Empathy Chat

Today I'm excited because I've been invited to lead a Twitter chat on Sunday night for a group of educators in Texas and beyond whom I really admire. We are going to have seven questions, based on this acrostic I created.

UPDATE: Click picture for a transcript of the chat!

This week, I've been reflecting on something I heard on the radio about there being two kinds of people, those who enter a room and say, "Here I am." 
and those who enter the room and instead say, "There you are." 

And the latter sounded so much like empathy to me.

Here's a sneak peek at the questions we'll be discussing.

So this is your official invitation, to join us on Twitter Sunday night, April 17th, at 8 pm {CST}; use the hashtag #txeduchat to talk about elevating empathy. I'll be there, ready to welcome you enthusiastically and passionately with the words, 
"There you are!"