Today I'm delighted because I spent most of it outside, enjoying the incredible weather and doing some work pulling weeds from the flowerbeds and yard. As I reflected on all of the happenings of last week, my heart and mind kept coming back to this gem that showed up on my desk, from my friend Zoe.
Some days are like that, aren't they?
You're struggling with something that seems insurmountable and then
someone says or does just the right thing to help turn things around.
Sometimes it's a drawing or a note of affirmation.
Sometimes it's a phone call or a text.
Sometimes it's a book, like this one, from my friend Annie.
It's a beautiful collection of inspirational pictures and words
about hope and kindness, about life and love.
Take a look inside, at one of my favorite pages.
It's chunk full of important reminders for and from
young and old alike,
about how we all matter
and how we can all make a difference.
Sometimes I get worn out and need to remember.
And then ... it's spring break.
And we're given a precious gift ~ time ~
just like the perfectly-timed picture that Zoe drew for me
and the book that Annie hand-picked for me.
If you're on break, how will you use your time this week?
Here's to some springtime relaxation, restoration, and rejuvenation.