Seven Bridge Sessions
Creative and Efficient Research�Online and in Person
With Winona Wendth
Saturday, March 19, 2016
10:30 a.m. � 12:30 p.m.
Thayer Memorial Library, Dexter Thayer Room
No matter what we write, we need to ensure the accuracy and believability of what we�re saying. Whether we are writing news reports, literary journalism, creative non-fictional essays, or historical fiction, including memoirs. We cannot rely on what we hear or what we remember or what we hope for without creating a believable world in which our stories live. Was that really a Studebaker my aunt drove? Or were they no longer made by then? Could that family have taken I-495 to Boston? Or was the Interstate not there, yet? How do we know what medicines our neighbor took when he was sick? What really killed him, then? What might have been in someone�s medicine cabinet in 1930? And what did those bottles and that cabinet look like?
Come to this workshop to review the research process and learn new and creative ways to find or verify information about the worlds we are creating. The workshop will provide illustrative examples and exercises for the class. Bring questions and a project you are working with for focused suggestions.
Winona Winkler Wendth holds an MFA in literature and writing with an emphasis on creative non-fiction from the Bennington Writing Seminars. She currently teaches writing, literature, and interdisciplinary humanities courses t Quinsigamond Community College. Winona has been a resident of Lancaster since 1992, a writing mentor since 2007, and a workshop leader in Lancaster for the past three years. Her work appears frequently in print and online literary journals and was listed in Best American Essays/2010 and on NPR. She writes both fiction and creative non-fiction; she is finishing a collection of memoiristic essays and working on a short novel.
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Please join us for this free event.