Friday, February 12, 2016

Seven Bridge Sessions

Writing With Your Whole Self
With Leaf Seligman

Saturday, April 30, 2016
10:00 a.m.  �  4:00 p.m.

The Hall, First Church of Christ, Unitarian,
725 Main Street, Lancaster, Massachusetts

Course Fee $75.00

Preregistration Required (See below)

Craft and revision matter. That�s why so many writing workshops focus on them. But there�s more to great writing. When the energy, voice, imagery, and purpose of the writing reflects the essence and authenticity of the writer, readers engage more fully. Writing becomes more authentic and alive. This workshop builds on a series of prompts designed to engage you with what matters. When your writing reflects what matters to you and captures the essence of that in form and content, it will matter more to readers, as well.

Prerequisites: Both new and seasoned writers welcome.  Pen or pencil and paper or notebook needed.

Leaf Seligman began writing as a child in Tennessee. She graduated from the writing program at the University of New Hampshire, where she taught for thirteen years before pursuing pastoral ministry. A decade later, she happily returned to a writing-centered life in rural New Hampshire. In college, work, community, and prison settings, Seligman engages people with writing as a way to foster authenticity, deepen connection, and explore what matters. In 2011, Bauhan Publishing brought out her collection of Sabbath Meditations, Opening the Window. Leaf blogs at and offers writing guidance at

To preregister for this program, please mail  form (found here) with course fee (check only please, made payable to Seven Bridge Writers� Collaborative) to: Paula Castner, 55 Fire Road 10, Lancaster, MA, 01523. 
Deadline for sign up, April 17th. 

For more information on this program, or on SBWC, please contact us at, or visit us at for the latest information and events.