Sunday, February 14, 2016

Intentional Optimism & Love

Happy Valentine's Day.
Today, I'm thinking about the choice {and power!} of 
positive {and non-negative} thinking and attitude.

That insight came from this little treasure:

If you check out this short, simple inspirational read, 
I predict that you will be positively supercharged!

I'm on a team of Public School Ambassadors in our district who is reading this book, and we decided to see what our stakeholders feel about our school. We sent home a blank heart with the question: What do you love about our school? 

The individual hearts are hanging in our school's front hallway way in the shape of a huge heart that's growing bigger day by day. 

If you're in the Houston area, come on by and read their 
heartfelt, heartwarming reflections and sentiments.

It has been said that we get more of what we focus on. Why not test out that theory with a daily dose of intentional optimism and love?