Happy Saturday.
I've been on a self-imposed digital detox regimen,
a cleanse that has revived and refreshed.
Try it and see.
If you have kids, unplug with them and plug in to each other.
I'd love to know how it goes.
{We've been playing a lot of Canasta!}
Today I'm delighted to review my National School Counseling Week; our Superintendent came around on Wednesday with a challenge to complete this sign.
Pretty easy, though as you can see there wasn't enough room
for all of the reasons I love my calling.
Kids came around, too. All week long.
Bringing their hand-made creations of gratitude and love.
I haven't had the chance to read through all of them yet,
but so far the common themes are kindness, peace and fun.
I'll take it.
One of them made an acrostic out of my name,
and the U stood for Ukulele.
Pure joy. And bliss. And happiness.
To kick off the week, I got to meet Dr. Jean.
Fourteen years my elder, she's so full of life, light and insight.
Then I spent Sunday through Tuesday with 2000 other school counselors up in Dallas at our State Conference. On Monday I spoke to a room filled with caring character educators about
Inspiring Empathy, Compassion & Kindness.
Bucket overflowed is an understatement.
Found author Julia Cook there and spent a little time reconnecting.
And goofing off.
Back home, baked goods were pouring me so that we could spend Wednesday afternoon packing boxes filled with hand-crafted Valentines and home-baked kindness from our kitchens ...
for the eleven deployed servicemen and women whom we adopted.
Twenty-nine boxes filled with
I can't wait to watch our heart grow.
And there you have it,
just a few of the many reasons why I love being a School Counselor.