Friday, June 12, 2015

PPBF: Pete the Cat's Groovy Guide to Life

Today's PPBF is the birthday present my friend Carol gave me that has quickly become a new favorite featuring the finicky feline, Pete.

Title: Pete the Cat's Groovy Guide to Life
By: Kimberly & James Dean
Publisher: HarperCollins
Date: April 7, 2015
Suitable for: ages 4-8 (and up)
Genre: Inspirational
Theme: inspirational quotes, motivation, reframes 
Brief synopsis: In this collection of thoughts for "living an awesome life," Pete the cat reframes age-old maxims to give them a 21st-century, every-day flavor. 
Opening page: Life takes courage; be brave. ~Pete
Resources: Check out the book's trailer from You Tube

Read a review at Engage Their Minds {here}
and thoughts from San Francisco Book Reviews {here}.

Why I like this book:  I can't wait to share this book with my older learners. One of my favorite paraphrases goes like this:

Opportunity is missed by most people because it comes dressed in overalls and looks like work. ~Thomas Edison
Amazing things happen when you work hard! ~Pete

One adage Carol and I didn't completely understand is this,

A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way. ~Mark Twain

but I do like Pete's version of it:

Dude, don't even think about it. ~Pete 

I so see this in a creation station in our counseling classes.
Students can read the famous quotes and Pete's translation,
then they can share their favorite quote and write or illustrate how they interpret what the original words mean. Like this:

Lead with your heart. ~Pete (or student's name) 

Can you feel the reflection potential in this tool?

For today's other PPBF picks, go to Susanna's blog;
her selection today is especially sweet.

This is our final PPBF for the summer, so I'm using it as an opportunity to unplug until after the 4th of July or so. Please be safe, enjoy the long summer days, and have fun relaxing, restoring, rejuvenating, and refreshing.