Saturday, May 23, 2015

Developing Leaders

This morning I woke up with leadership on my mind. When I stumbled on #satchatwc, it moved to my heart. After the chat, I went on a walk and felt it literally going to my feet and filling me with all sorts of plans for the upcoming school year in my new space at my new school, and now I'm really excited about developing leaders.

This weekly Saturday-morning chat, moderated by the motivational and effervescent Shelley Burgess, starts at 9:30 am CST and lasts an hour. I use TweetDeck to follow along and weigh in. On the chance that you've not been a part of a Twitter Chat before, here's how it goes. 

On Twitter, we have 140 characters for our answer.
Today, that wasn't a hard framework to work within,
but sometimes it's tricky and we have to be creatively concise.

Our topic this morning was The Leadership Countdown.
Here are the questions {published with Shelley's permission} and my responses, followed by a few of my favorites.

Empathize, equip, empower, engage with energy & enthusiasm.

That's how I answered. Then I read through all of the other reflections and I truly connected with this heartfelt response from my friend Steph Frosh:

And I love this one, from Art Liberman:

How would you answer that reflection question?

Thank you for being here, friend.

Another favorite answer from Steph: 

Talk about the power of collaboration, moving from me to we!

I know it won't work.

Here's a good one from Shelley: That's how it's always done.
and an illustration of Amos to go with it.

Don't these culture-killer reflections set your mind spinning?

Give kind, get kind. {Kindness is the real global warming, after all}

And one of my faves, this one from Jessica Torres;
Make your words count.

Another winner from Danielle Brown: Share your awesome today.

Be someone's SUPERHERO.

And this one, from Jonathan Kegler {and God}:

And a fan favorite from Beth Houf: Walk the talk! 

Let's grow. 

More wisdom from Steph:

Dave Burgess added these two words: Join Us.

My one little word: Kindness.

Other reflective OLWs I connected with: 
impact, resilience, relationships, transparency,
authenticity, innovation, engagement,
passion, outreach, growth.

Shelley tells me that in just over an hour, there were some 2000 tweets, retweets, favorites, and interactions. Click {here} to read through the archives. 

Now I'm heading to the pool for some reflection of a different kind along with some much-needed Vitamin D.
Before I go to soak up some sunshine, riddle me this:

How are you developing leaders for tomorrow today?
{Oh, and don't worry about your word count.}