Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Turkey Fact Trackers!

Having any holiday fun in the classroom yet?  This is my favorite time of year, but boy can it turn stressful real quick!  There's so much to do at home and school that it can be so overwhelming... am I right?!  But most days teachers put their big girl/boy pants on and still provide that holiday happiness for their kiddos.  Fake it 'til ya make it, is what I always say!

Today the second graders became Turkey Fact Trackers.  If I'm going to be real honest I couldn't think of anything better, ha!  I also couldn't find any cute Thanksgiving goodies because everything Christmas has already flooded the aisles!  So, I just glued a little feather and googly eye to the end of a craft stick :)
 We went on the hunt for important turkey facts in our Turkey Talk Nonfiction Reader.  When someone shared an interesting fact, we all tracked it with our Turkey Tracker (which they all seemed to think look more like trolls #fail #ormaybenot #theydolovetrolls)
 As we tracked turkey facts we wrote them on our turkey chart from Babbling Abby.
 After reading and tracking, we made our very own turkey hats.  The idea was inspired by Miss Kindergarten.  I used Cara Carroll's turkey face templates and just free-handed the feathers :)
 The students had to track facts in their booklets before writing facts on their feathers.
 They all ended up looking pretty stinkin' cute!
 And if this isn't a beautiful chart, I'm not sure what is!  I love Abby's monthly charts.  So easy to make and I don't have to put any thought into them!
 Thankfully the kids ending up loving my turkey trackers and were very excited to take them home for the day :)
Only a couple more days friends!!! Then it's time for some relaxation and pie ;)