Chris Romines graduated from merely using a hand drill the last two days, to using a Dremel to work on his dome today. No noise there.

Today's show hours were 10:00am-4:00pm, and once the doors opened, we were busy once again. Some pics.

Being allowed access to the VIP area has its advantages. Stan Lee was there for pictures and autographs around 2:30pm. Michael McMaster was able to snag an autograph.

While I was able to get a picture. Neat!

A little while after I got back to the booth, we were ready to start wrapping things up. Plus, we had a vermin problem, as WALL�E's roach friend Hal made his way into the Halloween candy.

This was another great show, and I look forward to coming back next year. In the meantime, I have plenty on my plate for the remainder of this year.