Friday, September 2, 2016


Dear Readers, I�m thrilled to feature this book today. Mountain Christmas Brides just released yesterday. It�s a Barbour novella collection with stories from 9 of their most popular authors. I�m blessed to be included in it along with my friends. I�m interviewing one of my long-time author friends from Oklahoma.

Welcome back, Darlene. Let�s do some fun questions first. What song most closely resembles your life?
Let�s see. Special music at church yesterday was a classic hymn I haven�t heard for years, but it describes the truth of my life so well. �Day by Day (and with each passing moment.)� �He whose heart is kind beyond all measure/gives unto each day what He deems best/lovingly its part of pain and pleasure/mingling toil with peace and rest.�

I love so many of the classic hymns. Do you have a favorite Bible verse? And why is it a favorite?
One of my latest discovery is from Lamentatians 3:28-30 MSG:

�When life is heavy and hard to take, go off by yourself. Enter the silence. Bow in prayer. Don�t ask questions: Wait for hope to appear. Don�t run from trouble. Take it full-face. The �worst� is never the worst.�

I�ve been reading, memorizing, meditating, and writing devotions from Proverbs, Jeremiah � Ezekiel, Hebrews � 1 Peter for an upcoming devotional project. This verse comes from a longer passage that includes the familiar �great is your faithfulness� phrase,
I love the phrase �wait for hope to appear.� The word �hope� (which also happens to be my middle name, lol) has been popping up over and over again. Don�t try to force it. Face trouble. Hope will appear. And in a place (nursing home) where troubles show up on a regular basis, I need all the advice I can get.

That certainly is a verse of encouragement. Thank you for sharing it with us. What is the one thing you wish you could go back and change in your life?
Oh, that�s a tough one. A part of me wishes I had agreed to change to a major in music theory and completed my master�s degree in music when they said I couldn�t continue in piano. If I think about all the things I�ve done wrong in my life, I�ll end up with a long list of regrets�but they have made me the person I am today.

And I love the person you are today. Your inner beauty shines like the noonday sun. You are an inspiration to me in many ways. What is the most important characteristic for a good friend to have?
Listening! When needed and without judgment.

What extracurricular activities did you participate in when you were in school?
I was in band and choir and also participated in the math club and the Spanish club. A real nerd.

What is your favorite movie of all times?
Field of Dreamsand It�s a Wonderful Life never disappoint.

I love It�s a Wonderful Life, but I�ve never seen Field of Dreams. I�ll have to change that. Tell us about why you wrote this book.
Oh, I remember the thrill of when I first wrote Dressed in Scarlet. Within the Barbour community, many authors started by writing a novella and then moved on Heartsong novels. I wasn�t even aware of the novellas until after they published my first book.
Then I was invited to take part in a four-person historical novella with Susan Page Davis, a fellow Mainer and good friend, Tamela Hancock Murray, who became my agent, and you, Lena. Even better, I got to write about my beloved Colorado! And now it's included in this new collection.

I discovered the joy of writing historical romance, which has become my niche; writing novellas; and writing Christmas stories. At first, I couldn�t imagine writing a Christmas story every year; now the season feels incomplete without a new story for the season. So far I�ve written ten of them.

Please give us the first page of the book.
Denver, December 1913
Fabrizio Ricci glanced around the garage at the Brown Palace, making sure everything was in order. Roadsters jostled next to Cadillac Phaetons and a single Ford Model T, a bit of an oddity for the Brown�s well-heeled clientele. Big or small, fancy or plain, he loved all his charges, even the smell of motor oil that permeated the air. His job was to keep the cars running and available to hotel guests. He loved driving cars he could never otherwise afford. Whatever money he didn�t give to help his family, he saved toward having his own shop.
No one would drive anywhere tonight in the storm that hit Denver yesterday. More than twenty-four hours later, the snow had not even slowed down. Anyone would be a fool to drive in weather like this. Even the trolleys that he sometimes took had stopped running. It was a good thing he kept a pair of Nordic skis in the garage. If he didn�t leave soon, he would have to spend the night at the hotel, or longer, if the snow kept up. As the only son remaining at home, he knew his parents depended on his help.
Fabrizio changed his work shoes for boots and strapped on the skis. He hadn�t planned for the cold, but he didn�t think that would be a problem, not with the long woolen scarf knitted in green and yellow by Mama. He would dress like that character in the Christmas story. What was his name? Bob Cratchit, that was it. A Christmas Carol had to be one of the best stories in the English language. Not as beautiful as Italian, of course, or that�s what Papa would say.
Fabrizio looked out the window at the swirling snow, wishing he had taken the time to go to the kitchen for a last cup of hot coffee before he left. Too late now. The snow danced in the air before landing gracefully on the ground. Bella neve. Beautiful snow.
Wrapping his scarf around his nose and throat before winding its length around his body, Fabrizio pulled his cap as far down on his head as it would reach and turned the collar of his coat up over the scarf. He hadn�t brought any mittens, but his work gloves should do the job. He pulled them on and hoped the oil stains wouldn�t get on his clothes. Mama complained about his soiled work clothes; four sisters created enough laundry without him adding any more.

How can readers find you on the Internet?
Twitter: @darlenefranklin
Purchase Matchmaker Mixup

Thank you, Darlene, for helping share this new collection to my readers.

Readers, here are links to the book. By using one when you order, you help support this blog.
Mountain Christmas Brides -
Mountain Christmas Brides: Nine Historical Novellas Celebrate Faith and Love in the Rocky Mountains - Amazon
Mountain Christmas Brides: Nine Historical Novellas Celebrate Faith and Love in the Rocky Mountains - Kindle

Comments Starter Questions: Do you look for Christmas novels each Christmas? Do you like reading the Christmas novella collection? What are some of your favorites?

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The only notification you�ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

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