Six brand-new, never released before contemporary Christian romance novellas by beloved inspirational romance authors!
Heather Gray � An Informal Date
What are some of the spiritual themes you like to write about?
When I started out writing my first novel, I didn't realize that some themes were going to stick with me through all of my books. By the sixth or seventh novel, though, I caught on to the fact that a couple of subjects were obviously near and dear to my heart. (What can I say? If I hadn't been so focused on writing, I might have figured it out by book 2!) Sometimes these topics pop up in a short passing conversation between secondary or tertiary characters, and sometimes they show themselves as major issues tackled by the main characters.
As Christians - especially when we've been in church a long time - we sometimes develop certain expectations. We get used to seeing God a certain way, and we forget to look for Him with fresh eyes, eyes of wonder. I know because I've been there. The light bulb went off one day, though, and I realized that I could no longer put God in a box. After all, without Him, there wouldn't even be a box.
The overarching theme that ties my body of work together is all about that box. I like to see people - whether real or fictional - driven to a deeper relationship with their Creator instead of hung up on the rules of Christian living that we've created for ourselves. (Don't get me wrong. God's commands to us are for our own good. Those aren't the rules I'm talking about here.) I want people to experience their relationship with Christ in a real way, a way that changes not just their eternity, but that also impacts every single day they spend here on earth, every relationship they have, and every life event - good or bad - that they experience. I want people to look for God everywhere and not just in that silly old box.
Elizabeth Maddrey � Operation Back-to-School
How do you choose the settings for each book?
Most of the time, I set my books in the Washington D.C. area. In part, this is because that's where I live, so I'm familiar with all the neat things that can be included in a story to make it come alive. And the traffic. You can't write a book set here without mentioning the traffic. But I've also set a book in Ireland, because I love Ireland and it was another situation where the setting simply needed to be in a story. And I'm slowly branching out. My next series is going to surround a woman renovating a gilded age mansion, and you just don't find those here in the suburbs, so I'm moving into the mountains of southern Virginia for that, and looking forward to the challenge.
Krista Phillips � A (Sorta) Southern Serenade
Why do you write the kind of books you do?
I write romance with a splash of humor. I'm a romantic at heart and always have been, so writing romance comes naturally! And there's just something beautiful about the process of two hearts finding a home together! And goodness, I think laughter is such a GOOD medicine, and I personally read for pleasure, so my hope and prayer is that readers enjoy a bit of a comical yet wholesome entertainment when they read by books! If I can make someone smile at the end of a hard day when they pick up my book, then I'm delighted!!
Ginger Solomon � Learning from Experience
If you could spend an evening with one contemporary person (not a family member of yours), who would it be and why?
I�d love to spend an evening with Ted Dekker (and his family). After hearing him speak at the ACFW conference and again in Allen Arnold�s class, I find his relationship with God fascinating. To be truthful I did beforehand, too. He seems to have connected with the Father in a way that draws me to explore my Creator in a deeper way-to move outside of what I�ve been taught and learn what is TRUTH. Of course, if this were to ever happen, I�d be so tongue-tied, I probably wouldn�t be able to say a word.
Carole Towriss � The Other Brother
What other books of yours are coming out soon?
At the beginning of next year, I have my fourth biblical fiction coming out. It�s about Caleb�s daughter, Acsah. Her very short story�five verses�is told twice in Scripture, in Judges and Joshua. Her famous dad offered her as a prize to the man who could conquer a certain city. While that may be appalling to us, that was perfectly in keeping with the times. Caleb appeared in all three of my other books, as a minor character, and I felt I had to explain why he would do something that might seem so �heavy-handed.� So I set it up that he did this because she had already turned down five other men. He needs to see her married to a man of God, and soon. She, on the other hand, wants nothing less than to marry a warrior, soooo � therein lies the conflict. That�s all in the first few pages, so I haven�t spoiled anything! If you know the Bible story, you know she marries her cousin, Othniel, the first judge of Israel, and considered to be the standard for all other judges to follow.
Marion Ueckermann � A Hero for Heather
What is your current work in progress? What�s next?
I�m currently working on a fun Christmas story set in Dublin, Ireland, titled Ginger and Brad�s House. This story will release in the Frosting and Flurries box set during October. Here�s a snippet of the WIP blurb:
A gingerbread house competition at their local church to raise funds for the homeless has Ginger and Brad locking heads once again, both determined to win. When a dear old saint challenges them that the Good Book says the first shall be last, and the last first, Ginger has to decide whether to back down from competing with Brad and embrace the true meaning of Christmas�peace on earth, goodwill to all men. Even to the Irishman she�d love to hate.
After Ginger and Brad�s story, I�ll be writing Books 2, 5 and 6 of my Seven Suitors for Seven Sisters, of which Book 3 is in the Falling for You box set. Next year I plan to write Book 7, the final story in this series, and then I plan to begin working on an exciting 10 book series set in coastal towns in South Africa.
Get your copy today to fall in love with these fall romances.
Thank you, ladies, for sharing this new collection with me and my readers.
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