Welcome Carrie. Tell us how much of yourself you write into your characters.
Gwen is quite a bit like me, but thinner. And younger. And prettier. Come to think of it, she�s nothing like me. Well, okay, we both are freelance forensic artists, breast cancer survivors, and Great Pyrenees owners.
What is the quirkiest thing you have ever done?
Danced the Highland fling in Bombay , India .
When did you first discover that you were a writer?
When Frank Peretti told me I might have talent.
Tell us the range of the kinds of books you enjoy reading.
How do you keep your sanity in our run, run, run world?
I walk, walk, walk. :)
How do you choose your characters� names?
I often use family names and the names of my students (law enforcement professionals) In some cases, my students consider it a bucket list item to die a horrible death in one of my stories.
What is the accomplishment that you are most proud of?
Hmmm. Probably teaching forensic art to someone where the drawing leads to the identification of a rapist, murderer, or arsonist.
If you were an animal, which one would you be, and why?
I�d be my Great Pyrenees. They get spoiled.
What is your favorite food?
Have you seen me? I eat everything �
What is the problem with writing that was your greatest roadblock, and how did you overcome it?
At first it was the crushing disappointment of rejection. Add to this was the waiting. I just had to write better, keep learning, and work on another project.
Tell us about the featured book.
Forensic artist Gwen Marcey is between jobs when she accepts temporary work in Pikeville , Kentucky �a small town facing big-city crime. But before Gwen can finish her first drawing of the serial rapist who is on the loose, the latest witness vanishes. Just like all the others.
Gwen suspects a connection between the rapist and the �accidental� deaths that are happening around town, but the local sheriff has little interest in her theories. When her digitally-obsessed teenage daughter joins her, Gwen turns her attention to a second assignment: going undercover in a serpent-handling church. She could get a handsome reward for uncovering illegal activity�a reward she desperately needs, as it seems her breast cancer has returned. But snakes aren�t the only ones ready to kill. Can Gwen uncover the truth�and convince anyone to believe her�before she becomes a victim herself?
In a thrilling race against time, When Death Draws Near plunges us into cold-case murders, shady politics, and a den of venomous suspects.
Please give us the first page of the book.
�Ma�am. Sheriff Reed told me to come and get you. The body�s here. I mean, it was here before . . . downstairs. In the morgue.�
I craned my head backward to see the young, lean-faced deputy standing over me. He had to be six foot four or taller, very slender, with wispy brown hair. His eyes were blue with heavy lids, and his mouth red, probably from chewing his lips. Sure enough, his cheeks flushed at my studying him and he started gnawing his lower lip.
I picked up my forensic art kit and followed the officer into the Pikeville Community Hospital , through a set of doors, and to an elevator next to the nurses� station. �I�m sorry. I didn�t catch your name.�
�Junior Reed.� He nodded at his answer. �Sheriff Reed is my father.�
I did a double take. He didn�t look anything like Clayton Reed, the sheriff of Pike County, Kentucky, who�d picked me up from the Lexington airport yesterday.. �Nice to meet you, Junior.� I stuck out my hand. �I�m Gwen Marcey.�
He hesitated for a moment, staring at my hand, then awkwardly shook it. His hand was wet.
The elevator door opened. As we entered, I surreptitiously wiped my hand on my slacks. The elevator seemed to think about moving, then quietly closed and slipped to the floor below, taking much longer than simply running down the stairs. The elevator finally opened. The smell hit me immediately.
I swallowed hard and took a firmer grip on my kit.
Several deputies had gathered in the middle of the hall, talking softly. They turned and stared at us. I couldn�t quite decipher the expressions on their faces. They parted as we approached, revealing a closed door inscribed with the word Morgue.
How can readers find you on the Internet?
webpage www.carriestuartparks.com
facebook: Carrie Stuart Parks, Author
Plunge into forensic artist Gwen Marcey's world, full of cold-case murders, shady politics, and a den of venomous suspects. Add Carrie Stuart Parks' new Gwen Marcey novel, When Death Draws Near, to the top of your must-read list. Gwen accepts temporary work in Pikeville, Kentucky�a small town facing big-city crime. But before she can finish her first drawing of the serial rapist who is on the loose, the latest witness vanishes. Just like all the others. Can Gwen uncover the truth�and convince anyone to believe her�before she becomes a victim herself?
Join Carrie in celebrating the release of When Death Draws Near by entering to win an Undercover Artist Starter Set.
Plunge into forensic artist Gwen Marcey's world, full of cold-case murders, shady politics, and a den of venomous suspects. Add Carrie Stuart Parks' new Gwen Marcey novel, When Death Draws Near, to the top of your must-read list. Gwen accepts temporary work in Pikeville, Kentucky�a small town facing big-city crime. But before she can finish her first drawing of the serial rapist who is on the loose, the latest witness vanishes. Just like all the others. Can Gwen uncover the truth�and convince anyone to believe her�before she becomes a victim herself?
Join Carrie in celebrating the release of When Death Draws Near by entering to win an Undercover Artist Starter Set.
One grand prize winner will receive:
- A copy of When Death Draws Near
- A $30 Michael's or Hobby Lobby gift card (winner's choice)
- Colored pencils
- A sharpener
- A pencil case
- An eraser
- A coloring prayer book
- A coloring notecard set
- A lap desk
Enter today by clicking the icon below, but hurry! The giveaway ends on August 22. The winner will be announced August 23 on the Litfuse blog.
Thank you, Carrie, for sharing this new book with us. And your giveaway is awesome. I'd love to win it, and I know many of my readers would, too.
Readers, here are links to the book. By using one when you order, you help support this blog.
When Death Draws Near - Christianbook.com
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The only notification you�ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.
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