Friday, August 26, 2016

Here We Grow Again

Today I'm excited because we have successfully reached day 5 of our first week back to school. In celebration of all of that connecting and growing, 
a relatively new book to share. 

Click for a review and some activity ideas!
This one is so special that I'm going to read it next week as my Intro to the Counselor pick. We're going to discuss it. And then solve a problem together. 

And since I really think you're going to add this one to your collection, I'm not going to tell you much. Just enough to whet your appetite. You see, he didn't want the problem. Didn't invite it, didn't ask for it. He wants it to go away, to get lost. He finds out pretty quickly, however, that the age-old adage 
you can run but you can't hide
is, in fact, spot on. So he decides to face it, only to find ... ok, that's all I'm saying. Except to tell you to prepare to fall in love with Mae Besom's illustrations. And the potential that this book has to help your superheroes grow.

Click the graphic for its source.
At the end of the day, it's all about how we look at things.

Update: Click the picture to get details about the problem
I'm challenging them to solve. 

It has been a blast watching them move these six cups from a stack and into a pillar pyramid without letting them make physical contact with any part of their bodies! 

Check out these other growth mindset resources. 

Angela Watson's collection of growth mindset videos {here}.
A growth mindset poster freebie from Stephanie Ann {here}.
A rider, elephant and path clip about Change Theory {here}.
A mindset object lesson from Teaching in Room 6 {here}.
Sesame Street does Growth Mindset {here}. 
And my friend Lisa's Growth Mindset Pinterest page {here}.

Let's get growing!