Wednesday, August 17, 2016

COMING SOON - A HEART'S GIFT - Lena Nelson Dooley

Dear Readers, so many of you have been faithful followers of this blog for a long time, and we're gaining new readers all the time. I've announced this on Facebook and Twitter, but with the way Facebook limits the reach of our posts, even if you are my friend or follow me, you may have missed the announcement.

I've decided to keep y'all up on what is going on with my writing life. I will make occasional posts like this with other new information. With these posts, there won't be an automatic giveaway. If it's at a time where there's one available, I'll have one. But today the book isn't available yet.

This books is special to me. It's the longest book I've written, and it has several plot lines that intersect. The last part of the book also includes suspense. 

Here's the back cover copy:

Is a marriage of convenience the answer?

Because of an earlier betrayal, Franklinvows to never open his heart to another woman. But he desires an heir.

When Lorinda is finally out from under the control of men who made all the decisions in her life, she promises herself she will never allow a man to control her again. But how can she provide for her infant son?

Marriage seems like the perfect arrangement until two people from Franklin's past endanger Lorinda. How can he save her?

And how will this affect the way they feel about each other?

Here's the cover flat. I have a wonderful cover designer.

Another new thing with my writing life is "The Lena Nelson Dooley Show" on the Blogtalk Along Came a Writer network. My show is on the third Tuesday of the month at 12 noon. Here's the link to the network:

This link will take you to the network and the shows will be archived there. You can listen to them live or your can listen to them later.

Comment questions:

How do you like my new cover? The book should release before the end of September. I'll keep you up on what's going on.

How about the logo? I'd love to hear from you.