Dear Readers, here�s book three in Susan May Warren �s Montana Fire Series. I�m very exited about reading it. I know you are, too.
Welcome back, Susan. Why do you write the kind of books you do?
I write the kind of books I like to read! I love epic romantic adventure and I try and write the kinds of stories that I and my target reader (who is similar to me!) would like to read. I also need encouragement in my walk with Christ, as well as an inspiring faith story, so that is the kind of spiritual thread I put in my novels.
Besides when you came to know the Lord, what is the happiest day in your life?
When I married my handsome husband. I still can�t believe that God gifted me with this amazing man.
Me, too. I love how He creates someone who is just right for us. How has being published changed your life?
It�s made me more aware of my need to be a good steward of my gifts�that biblical phrase, to whom much has been give�I know I�ve been given much, and I�m not only grateful, I�m humbled and aware of the calling to write life-changing fiction.
What are you reading right now?
I am just finishing writing a novel, so my first book on my TBR is James L. Rubart�s The Long Journey to Jake Palmer.
I�m eager to read that one, too. What is your current work in progress?
I am just finishing up A Matter of Trust, book #3 in my Montana Rescue series, about a man who has to rescue the woman who betrayed him. An epic story set in Glacier National Park in the winter!
What would be your dream vacation?
How do you choose your settings for each book?
I find a setting that I want to visit (or my readers want to visit) that I can use to create more tension for my story, as well as a place that people will enjoy spending time in or learning more about.
If you could spend an evening with one person who is currently alive, who would it be and why?
Besides my husband, kids and bestie, Rachel Hauck? I think, maybe I�d like to hang out with Michael Buble and let him sing to me. J
What are your hobbies, besides writing and reading?
I like home repair (really!), yard work (seriously!) and outdoor activities (skiing, scuba diving, kayaking�things that involve different forms of water, apparently. J)
What is your most difficult writing obstacle, and how do you overcome it?
I�ve written over 50 novels now, so finding that unique twist or storyline can be a challenge. Oh, and names. I tend to like to use them over and over again!!
What advice would you give to a beginning author?
Getting published is not magic�it�s hard work. Do the hard work and you�ll see success. But also�remember that your journey is different from anyone else�s�trust the Lord as he guides you through the journey to do what is best for you. Don�t take your eyes off Him.
Tell us about the featured book.
Burnin� For You is book #3 in my Montana Fire trilogy! It brings to a conclusion the question of the arsonist in book one. I loved this story about pilot Gilly Priest and sawyer Reuben Marshall who they race to save their friends after a terrible place crash.
Please give us the first page of the book.
At least that�s what Reuben Marshall�s gut said when the wind shifted and rustled the seared hairs on the back of his neck, strained and tight from three days of cutting line through a stand of black spruce as thick as night.
After a week the fire in the Kootenai National Forest had consumed nearly twelve hundred acres. And as of breakfast this morning, his team of smokejumpers, as well as hotshot and wildland firefighter teams from all over Montana and Idaho , had only nicked it down to sixty percent contained.
Now the fire turned from a low crackle to a growl behind him, hungry for the forest on the other side of the twenty-foot line that his crew�Pete, CJ, and Hannah�had scratched out of the forest, widening an already cleared service road. CJ and Hannah were swamping for Reuben as he mowed down trees, clearing brush. Between the two of them, they worked like an entire crew, still determined to prove themselves. Pete worked cleanup, digging the line down to the mineral soil.
Reuben�s eyes watered, his throat charred from eating fire as he angled his saw into the towering spruce�one more tree felled and it would keep the fire from jumping the line or candling from treetop to treetop.
Chips hit his safety glasses, pinged against his yellow Nomex shirt, his canvas pants. His shoulders burned, his arms one constant vibration.
In another hour they would hook up with the other half of their crew�Jed and Conner, Ned, Riley, and Tucker�dragging a line along the lip of forest road that served as their burnout line. Then, the team would light a fire of their own to consume all the fuel between the line and the active fire and drive the blaze to Fountain Lake .
The dragon would lie down and die.
At least that seemed the ambitious but attainable plan that his crew boss, Jed, had outlined this morning over a breakfast of MRE eggs and protein bars. While listening, Reuben had poured three instant coffee packs into one cup of water and tossed the sludge down in one gulp.
Deep in his gut, Reuben had expected trouble when the wind quietly kicked up early this morning, rousing the team tucked in their coyote camp�a pocket of preburned space, their safety zone on the bottom of the canyon near a trickle of river. Already blackened, the zone shouldn�t re-ignite, but it left ashy debris on Reuben, the soot probably turning his dark-brown hair to gray under his orange hard hat. His entire team resembled extras on the Walking Dead.
He felt like it too�a zombie, barely alive, fatigue a lining under his skin. Ash, sawdust, and the fibers of the forest coated his lips despite his efforts to keep his handkerchief over his mouth.
They�d worked in the furnace all day, the flame lengths twenty to thirty feet behind them, climbing up aspen and white pine, settling down into the crackling loam of the forest, consuming bushes in a flare of heat. But with the bombers overhead dropping slurry, the fire sizzled and roared, dying slowly.
He�d watched them�the Russian biplane AN2, which scooped water from the lake, and the Airtractor AT, dropping red slurry from its white belly. And, way overhead the C-130 circled for another pass, a loaner from the National Guard.
Reuben wondered which one Gilly piloted�a random thought that he shoved away. But not before imagining her, dark auburn hair tied back and cascading out of her baseball cap, aviator glasses over her freckled nose. Petite at just over five feet, the woman had don�t quit all over her when she climbed into a cockpit.
But it did him no good to let his thoughts anchor upon a woman he could barely manage to speak to. Not that he had any chance with her, anyway.
Keep his head down, keep working�wasn�t that what his father had always said?
They all had expected the Fountain Lake fire to fizzle out with their efforts.
Until the wind shifted. Again.
And that�s when the fine hairs of Reuben�s neck stood on end, his gut began to roil.
A dynamite intro to the story!! How can readers find you on the Internet?
Yes, head over to!!
Or, on facebook at:
Thank you, Lena !
My pleasure and great blessing, Susan. I love introducing you to new readers. I often get new readers on the blog.
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