Dear Readers, I hadn�t read any of Linda Rodante�s books before we scheduled the first two in this series. She is an author to keep an eye on. I loved both Amber Alert, which we featured earlier this summer, and this book As Long As You Both Shall Live. I�m eager to read book three. Her characters are living, breathing people, who are also flawed. They tugged me right into the story with them, and as soon as I finished reading book one, I immediately started book two. Loved the setting, the storylines, the suspense, the romance�the whole package. You won�t want to miss them.
Welcome back, Linda. Why do you write the kind of books you do?
I�ve always loved romantic suspense novels and when I started reading Christian fiction, I realized I could actually write something entertaining that also highlighted God�s goodness and purposes. A win-win situation.
Besides when you came to know the Lord, what is the happiest day in your life?
I have to say it was when I realized that both my sons� belief in God had become a foundation of their adult lives.
How has being published changed your life?
It is what I do fulltime now, so it has changed my �career.� I am actually an author. J It has also expanded my horizons and my friendships.
What are you reading right now?
Where There�s Smokeby Susan May Warren--another romantic suspense, and it�s good.
What is your current work in progress?
I just finished Splashdown, book 3 of my The Dangerous Series. It should be out by the time this interview is posted. Splashdown is a little different than the other books, more police procedural. Still lots of romance. And all my books have strong spiritual elements.
What would be your dream vacation?
Two weeks in the Appalachian Mountains with my family, but with a weekend worship festival thrown in.
How do you choose your settings for each book?
I chose places I love and know. I want to be able to bring realistic scenery and lifestyles to the reader. One day I might do a long vacation to someplace in particular just to have a particular setting.
If you could spend an evening with one person who is currently alive, who would it be and why?
Wow. That�s really hard because so many people have so much to give, and I�m not enamored of movie stars, sport stars, or singers. So, it comes back to family again. Maybe because my younger son and his family are in Botswana , Africa , for three years. Right now, I would spend time with anyone or all of them if possible.
What are your hobbies, besides writing and reading?
To tell you the truth, I am a home-body, but I love beautiful places and taking pictures, so a ride or walk at the beach or up a mountain is great. Stop and get something to eat and enjoy the time. My husband and I also love to bike. We have two old-fashioned bikes and take rides around the neighborhood or at the parks nearby. The whole family likes to play cards and board games when we get together.
What is your most difficult writing obstacle, and how do you overcome it?
Keeping up with social media is the hardest. I truly love staying connected with so many people, but my time to do it is limited�if I want to write and have a life. I have to set up time boundaries each day so I don�t stay online too long!
What advice would you give to a beginning author?
Take writing courses, buy writing books and read them, get in a critique group, and go to conferences. Learning your craft should be at the top of your list.
Tell us about the featured book.
As Long As You Both Shall Live is Book 2 in The Dangerous Series. It features the same couple from Amber Alert as they move forward in their relationship. John Jergenson returns home after a month�s long mission trip to Indonesia . His mind is set on asking Sharee Jones to marry him and return to the islands as missionaries. But Sharee has enough to think about�anonymous phone calls, an attack on her life, and uneasiness about their relationship. The last thing she wants is a marriage proposal. When someone runs her down, and she winds up in the hospital, things get serious. Can John keep her alive, keep her ex-boyfriend out of the picture, and fend off the attentions of another woman long enough to convince Sharee to walk down the aisle?
Please give us the first page of the book.
She was always on time.
He could see the church parking lot from the edge of the woods. Glancing at his watch, he shifted position and made sure the trees concealed him. Cars exited the main road, bumped down the drive, and pulled in for the evening service. A steady stream of people parked and entered the building.
The woman who called earlier had not given her name�only a message. �Sharee�s getting engaged. She�s going to get married. Just thought you�d want to know.� And although he�d fought the urge to come, he had surrendered to the rising anger before the afternoon ended.
His fists clenched. Just like anyone else, he had a right to be here. He could even walk into the church. They couldn�t do anything about it. She couldn�t. Not like before. He contemplated doing that, going in, finding a seat near her, and listening to the sermon.
He didn�t want to play games.
His head rose in time to see her Honda CR-V turn into the long drive. Parking next to the side door, she jumped out and hurried inside. She hadn�t changed. Same petite body, same untamed hair and, he was sure, the same puritanical attitudes.
No, he didn�t want to play games. What he wanted was not nearly so innocent.
How can readers find you on the Internet?
On facebook, Linda K. Rodante, on twitter, @lrodante, on Pinterest, Linda Rodante, also my author website is, and my human trafficking/commitment to God website is you, Linda, for sharing this book with my readers. I'd love to feature the third book in the series on this blog as well.
Readers, here are links to the book. By using one when you order, you help support this blog.
As Long As You Both Shall Live (Dangerous Series) (Volume 2)As Long As You Both Shall Live: A Christian Contemporary Romance with Suspense (Dangerous Series Book 2) - Kindle
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