Friday, July 15, 2016

Where Have I Been?

It feels like I have been away from home for MONTHS!  We started our summer on vacation with the Kings in June.  Hawaii was absolutely breathtaking!  You can read more about my family vacation HERE.
Joelle and Israel were constantly exploring and looking for treasures :)
Hope and I mostly relaxed, but we also spent some time brainstorming and discussing our upcoming units.
I think these two little ones could live at the beach and never think about Texas again, ha!
Notice all of Joelle's cutie patootie bows?  They are ALL from One Stop Bow Shop.  I'm addicted to ordering new bows.  Fairly certain that we have every shade of pink and blue that you can imagine!

After Hawaii we had all of 36 hours before Get Your Teach On Texas started!  There were hundreds of passionate, excited, and loving educators all in one place... AMAZING!

We had a week to recover before heading to Colorado for my sister's wedding.  This sweet girl was the most beautiful flower girl you ever did see!
 The wedding was gorgeous... mountains and a lake in the background!

This bow of Joelle's is my absolute favorite!  One Stop Bow Shop has beautiful burlap bows!

Somehow throughout these busy weeks, Hope and I did manage to finish up our B2S unit!  I will be blogging more about it and all things Back To School in the weeks to come :)
We are also hard at work on Units 2 of Magic of Math and Write ON!  Those units will be released in the near future :)  For now... we all nap... ha!