Sunday, July 31, 2016

Simple Lesson Plan Templates

Over the years I've always shared my first week lesson plans on my blog.  You can find those posts HERE, HERE, and HERE.  I pretty much change up what I'm doing each year because I am not a fan of repetition.  I like to find new books, activities, and lessons that keep my students engaged from year to year.  With all of the new things I have now, my lesson plans will look very different from years past!

Today is more about the lesson plan template rather than what my actual lesson plans contain!  I always get several requests to share the template, so I finally rounded up some of my faves to share with you :)
Here's what you'll need:

1.  Power Point
2.  Fonts from Babbling Abby!  For all of the templates I used fonts from Volume 8 that you can find HERE!

I made a quick video that will show you how you can download and use these templates for your lesson plans.  I hope you enjoy!