Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Rounding Numbers and Place Value for THIRD Grade

This post is for all my third grade friends out there!  Let's talk about Rounding Numbers and Place Value.

First, here's a simple idea that can be used with things you have around your house/classroom:
1.  Cupcake Pan (I used one for mini-muffins)
2.  Poms
3.  Dot Stickers

Label your stickers with a number and the number you would round to.  Put each label in the bottom of the pan (mine peeled up super easy during clean-up).  Students toss poms to try and make a rounding pair match.  Simple and Fun!
 The activities below can be found in a FREEBIE that Hope and I put together that showcases what a day is like in the Magic of Math THIRD GRADE.  Here you will see our mini-lesson, activity, and interactive notebook component.  You can find this rounding freebie HERE!
 In our Unit One for 3rd Grade you will find two weeks of rounding lesson plans, activities, word problems, minilessons, and more!  These hands-on activities will get your students excited about rounding to the nearest ten and rounding to the nearest hundred.  
 We also have lots of Comparing and Ordering numbers included in Unit 1.  
 For our week of Place Value, we made sure that we met both the standards for Common Core and TEKS.  All of the minilessons, activities, interactive notebook entries, etc can be used with 3, 4, 5, and 6 digit numbers.  Students will have lots of exposure to creating and working with numbers!  They will be place value pros which will help them master many other skills throughout the rest of the year!
 You can find all of our rounding, comparing & ordering, and place value plans HERE!  You'll get a month's worth of lesson plans and everything you need to teach those kiddos!!
Let's make math fun and meaningful for our 3rd grade babies!  It is more than possible to get ready for a test without having to use worksheets every single day :))))  Our kids deserve more than that!