Welcome, Raebeth. What would you like for our readers to know about you personally?
I would say that at first I may seem shy but I'm really talkative. I am crazy busy with two kids as a stay at home Mom. I have been married for almost four years, however we didn't have the fairytale ending. In 2013, I gave birth to my daughter who was stillborn and this dramatically changed my life. At that moment in time, I turned back to God and have been following Him since.
Tell us about your family.
My family is a crazy bunch. I have three children total but only get to parent two of them. We live in a small place on the outskirts of town surrounded by trees in all directions. Yes, we have neighbors but not very many. I have one fur baby and he's an all white cat named Romeow.
Have you written other nonfiction books?
Yes, I have written my daughter's very short journey here on earth called, Saying Goodbye Without Saying Hello. It was a tough write but I wanted to bring more awareness to Pregnancy and Infant Loss.
Do you have any other books in the works right now?
Of course! I'm in the process of writing a book for women on having a godly marriage and another in the fiction genre.
What kinds of hobbies and leisure activities do you enjoy?
I love to color in adult coloring books. The inspirational/spiritual coloring books are my favorite. I love to read. I journaling and photography. However, I prefer to spend as much time with my family as possible.
Why did you write the featured book?
I felt led to write it. We see a lot of hate and ungratefulness in our crazy world. Stumbling toward Gratitude takes the reader/journal on a journey in a month and helps them to see the small blessings in life.
What do you want the reader to take away from the book?
I want them to be able to spot areas in their lives where blessings occur but are often missed. Those who live a more grateful life tend to live happier lives. Who doesn't want a happier life?
Is there anything you�d like to tell my readers about you or your book?
Give it a chance. Dedication is important and so is self discipline. It takes 21 days to form a habit, so push to continue through the journey. I promise that it'll be worth it in the end.
Please give us the first page or two from the book.
Gratitude is thankfulness, appreciation, or attitude in acknowledgment of a benefit that one has received or will receive.
I'm so glad that you decided to join me in bettering yourself and I'm praying you'll find it within to follow along each day and find the hidden blessings within your very own life.
First, for this challenge you will need a journal. It will be our gratitude journal. This can be a notebook, papers stapled together, or you can purchase an actual journal for this. You can also download the Attitudes of Gratitude Journal from Play Store to use on your phone. (iPhone users can download the gratitude journal from iTunes) Either way, I believe this will be worth it in the end. By doing this challenge, you're going to retrain yourself to see the best in all situations and be more grateful, even in the rough times of life.
I will be giving you a guideline throughout this journey, so you can follow along with it. I'm praying for a more grateful life for you. I'm hoping to help others learn how to make gratitude a regular family tradition.
The daily challenges are based on research showing that people who are grateful for things (big or small) tend to be happier and healthier when they fully commit to the challenge. With each entry, try to go into as much detail as possible. Don't be vague about it. Going into details and be specific about what you're writing about. This is the key factor in gratitude journaling.
Where on the Internet can the readers find you?
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/raebethbuda/
Website: http://raebethmcgee.weebly.com/
Blog: http://raebethbuda.blogspot.com/Thank you, Raebeth, for sharing this book with us.
Readers, here are links to the book. By using one when you order, you help support this blog.
Heavenly Realities: Stumbling toward Gratitude
Heavenly Realities: Stumbling toward Gratitude - Kindle
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