A most unusual adventure for CR 4 dragon characters.
In We Be Dragons, the players control dragon wyrmlings out to avenge the genocide of their families. They struggle to save their adopted father against an assassination attempt, work with humans to locate the killer, and take on both a poaching company and a fallen paladin obsessed with the extinction of all dragons. We Be Dragons includes nine new playable dragons which combine the aspects of a classic adventuring party with true draconic flavor.
We Be Dragons is a one-shot adventure that serves as an excellent introduction to Pathfinder or a refreshing break for an experienced group. It is 24 pages long, fully illustrated, and only $1.99.
Included in We Be Dragons:
- A complex and detailed draconic adventure with high emotional stakes.
- Seven new enemies and NPCs, including poachers and a fallen paladin.
- Challenging social encounters and skill challenges to test the breadth of draconic abilities.
- Rules for adjusting difficulty to accommodate the needs of any group.
- Nine new playable dragon characters, complete with unique abilities and personalities, including Arcane, Corruptor, Harmonic, Radiant, and Iron.