Dear Readers, I'm sorry to be so late posting this. I slept late this morning after a Father's Day filled with church and fun activities. James and I went to two different celebrations with parts of our family. The first one had to happen earlier, because our younger grandson had to go to work before the celebration at his sister's house.
As I�ve told you before, Janet is a good friend of mine. I don�t see her as often as I�d like to, because she lives in Oklahoma and I live in Texas , but my husband and I love spending time with her and her husband. Her recent books have been historical romances. This one is a contemporary, and there�s a cowboy involved. What�s not to love?
Welcome back, Janet. Tell us about your salvation experience.
I can�t remember when I didn�t believe in the Lord. I was raised in the church and I became a Christian when I was twelve years old when my cousin and I were baptized on the same day. So very thankful for God�s plan for our salvation through His Son and our Savior, Jesus Christ.
You�re planning a writing retreat where you can only have four other authors. Who would they be and why?
Oh, Lena , I know so many wonderful authors I would love to spend time with. I can�t name just four. J
I know what you mean. I�d have a hard time answering this question myself. Do you have a speaking ministry? If so, tell us about that.
I don�t have a speaking ministry, but I love talking about the Lord, and about how blessed we are to have salvation and the hope and promise of having a home in Heaven through Jesus Christ.
What is the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you and how did you handle it?
Lol. Happened when I was around fourteen, and it�s still too embarrassing to tell. Really.
Now you�ve really piqued my curiosity. People are always telling me that they�d like to write a book someday. I�m sure they do to you, too. What would you tell someone who came up to you and said that?
I tell them to go for it. But to learn all they can about writing and to develop a good writing habit. To go to conferences so that they can learn from professionals, meet other writers, agents, and editors. And to keep the joy in it.
That�s all good advice, but that last phrase is essential. Tell us about the featured book.
After her aunt suffers a stroke, Sierra Ramsey comes home to stay in Golden Creek, determined to stay but dreading to run into the man she�d once loved and then walked out on�without telling him why. Even though she thought she was doing the right thing for his sake, she�s lived to regret it. But the reasons why haven�t changed, and she can�t see how things would ever have worked for them.
When she finds he�s now a widower with a child, by a chance meeting with his mother-in-law, her heart breaks once more that he�d made a life for himself fairly soon after she left. But when her aunt tells her all the family has gone through and then Clint�s mother-in-law telephones that evening and offers her a job she needs as badly as they need help, compassion and common sense win out, and Sierra finds herself accepting against her better judgment.
When Clint finds out his mother-in-law has hired Sierra as a nanny to his daughter, he�s livid and is determined to find a way to let Sierra go. That is, until his young daughter takes to her in a way she�s never taken to anyone else and his in-laws accept her with open arms. For the sake of the family he loves, he tries to accept that the Lord has sent Sierra to help them in a time of need and prays she doesn�t run out and leave his little girl�or anyone else heartbroken.
It doesn�t take long until the two realize that they never stopped loving one another, but can they face the past and find a way back to what they once were, or will there be hearts left broken once more?
Please give us the first page of the book.
The moment Sierra Ramsey walked into Myers Drugstore with her aunt, it seemed as if the last three and a half years of her life faded away and she�d never left her home town. The medicinal smell, mixed with the sweet aroma of the perfume a woman was trying on at the cosmetics counter, took her back to her high school days. She and her friends would come in on weekends and sample the newest fragrances before their dates that night. She�d spent many an hour at the old fashioned soda fountain, and it pleased her to see that there were still fourteen stools along the bar and seven booths across from them. At least a few things had stayed the same.
Memories of sharing a sundae with Clint at one of those booths suddenly surfaced. They�d been to a movie and come in afterward. They were laughing and talking about the movie when he reached across the booth and wiped some chocolate off her bottom lip. She could almost feel his touch, see the look in his eyes�
No. Sierra shook her head. She couldn�t let herself start thinking of him just because she was home again. She pulled her thoughts back to the present and concentrated on getting her aunt to the pharmacy counter at the back of the store.
You really hooked my interest with this page. How can readers find you on the Internet?
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Thank you, Janet, for sharing this new ebook with us.
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To Heal a Cowboy's Heart (Golden Creek Book 2)Comments question: Do you like cowboy novels? Which is your favorite -- historical or contemporary?
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