Summer has officially started in our household. Although Joelle worked really hard last year, and was very ready to be on summer break, she does not want to stop reading. She could read all day every single day and be just as content as can be. I often find myself saying "oh my stars, put the books away already!" And then follow that with, "DID I REALLY JUST TELL MY DAUGHTER TO STOP READING?" Ha!
Well, my little reader wanted to track her minutes this summer. While our school uses Scholastic summer reading online, I wanted her to be able to take ownership of it... and we don't do much computer/personal device time in our house. So, I decided to make her one of my Reading Bucket List Challenges.
She got to work right away on completing a challenge.
First up, read to a stuffed animal! That's a piece of cake since she does it all the time :)
Little man isn't quite ready to track his own reading, but he loves books just as much as Joelle. He's learning how to listen to books on CD right now, and this moment was just too precious not to capture!
Along with Joelle's challenges, she also needed to write down her summer reading minutes so I made her these quick calendars to go into her booklet. You can click HERE to grab June-Aug bucket calendar freebies! PS- Don't you just LOVE the fonts? Those are by my sweet friend Babbling Abby!
You can check out all of the bucket list challenges HERE :)
Happy Summer Reading, friends!!!