Dear Readers, I first met Lacy Williams when I spoke to a writer�s group in Oklahoma . It was my pleasure and great blessing to encourage her at that time, and I�ve enjoyed watching her, from afar in Texas , as her writing career developed and grew. And now she�s setting fairy tales in modern time with cowboys. Two of my favorite things. What�s not to love?
Welcome back, Lacy. God has really been moving in your writing life. What do you see on the horizon?
I�m excited to be working on more indie releases. I have six books planned in the Cowboy Fairytales series and have some ideas of what I�ll write in the fall. I do have some time off planned coming up in July and August (you�ll see why in the next answer!). Also releasing later this month is THE BUTTERFLY BRIDE, a novella I really enjoyed writing for Serenade Books.
Tell us a little about your family.
Hubby and I have three kids aged six and under (two girls and a boy), and we have a new arrival on the way, coming in early July! Our oldest just �graduated� from Kindergarten and is already reading chapter books�I think she�s going to be a reader like mom. Our second will go into Pre-K in the fall and he�s soooo excited to get to go to school with big sister. All three are on the countdown for the new arrival and have helped with decorating the baby�s room.
Congratulations. I didn�t know about the new blessing to join your family. Has your writing changed your reading habits? If so, how?
I have a lot less time to read now, especially with kids demanding a lot of my time. Most days I have the choice between writing or reading (no time to do both!). I try really hard to turn off my internal editor when I read and just relax, and I enjoy really diverse tastes in fiction, though most have romance threads in them!
What are you working on right now?
I am working through edits on the third and fourth books in the Cowboy Fairytales series (THE TOAD PRINCE and THE BEASTLY PRINCESS) and plotting out book five (THE LOST PRINCESS). This has been a really fun series to write. Each book is loosely based on a well-known fairy tale, but they are set in modern day times and also have cowboys in them (cowboys are kind of my thing). Revisiting the fairy tales has been a really fun exercise.
What outside interests do you have?
Hubby and I sneak date nights when we can. We love to see movies (romance for me, action for him) or go out to eat and just enjoy the peace and quiet.
How do you choose your settings for each book?
Most recently, I�ve written contemporary cowboys in Oklahoma and Texas . I grew up on my grandpa�s farm in small-town Oklahoma , running around in the fields and checking the cows with my dad and fishing when we could sneak away. My growing-up years played a huge part in building my imagination and it�s only natural that many of the settings I�ve chosen have grown out of that small-town background.
If you could spend an evening with one historical person, who would it be and why?
Probably Jane Austen. She�s my favorite historical author.
What is the one thing you wish you had known before you started writing novels?
I wish I�d known that deadlines never get any easier. It seems like the activities at school ramp up or my kids get sick just before every deadline, whether with a publisher or my own self-imposed deadlines for indie publishing. I�ve learned to write ahead when I can!
What new lessons is the Lord teaching you right now?
At this stage of my life, I�m learning a lot about flexibility and patience. Life with small children is a lot of fun, but can also be challenging. There is a lot of giving up of self and that�s not always easy either. But God strengthens me throughout and I�m so thankful for the blessings He has given me!
What are the three best things you can tell other authors to do to be successful?
Write every day. Find a mentor. Never give up.
Tell us about the featured book.
ONCE UPON A COWBOYis a retelling of the Snow White fairytale. When Princess Alessandra barely survives an assassination attempt, she finds herself isolated on a Texas ranch with seven woolly cowboys�and she can�t help falling for the most irascible one of all, Gideon Hale.
Please give us the first page of the book.
Early February
Just keep smiling.
Princess Alessandra, second in line for the throne of Glorvaird, meandered through the crush of bodies as the Who's-Who of New York City society mingled on the sidewalk outside a ritzy hotel. Inside the ballroom would be even worse, stuffy with the heat of so many people. The icy air chilled her skin where the slinky dress she wore didn't cover nearly enough beneath her designer coat, but inside she'd be grateful to shed her outerwear.
She detested events like these. But her royal duty demanded her presence. Her sister, the crown princess, had tasked her with forging alliances with two powerful dignitaries, which she would attempt when she could get inside. Two hours, and she could return to her own hotel, several blocks away. And rid herself of the awful, pinching heels her stylist had provided.
Paparazzi snapped pictures from behind a cordoned-off line, the flashes from their cameras whisking her to the present and out of her thoughts. Hired security milled around, looking bored. After years of being in the public eye, she was used to the presence of both.
It didn't mean the press weren't as annoying as gnats, constantly buzzing in her ear.
One misstep, one faux pas, could follow her around on the Internet for a year.
She smoothed her skirt unobtrusively and kept the smile fixed on her face.
A hand on her elbow made her pause amidst the crowd.
Her bodyguard. Tim was dark-haired and fair-complected, bulky, and more than a head taller than she. He usually faded into the background.
The fact that he'd moved in close had her pulse speeding.
"What's�" wrong?
I�m loving it so far. Can�t wait until my copy arrives. How can readers find you on the Internet?
www.lacywilliams.netand are the best places to find me online!
Thank you, Lacy, for sharing this new book with us. I'd love to schedule Cowboy Charming and the rest of the fairy tale books on my blog.
Readers, here are links to the book. By using one when you order, you help support this blog.
Once Upon a Cowboy (Cowboy Fairytales) (Volume 1)Once Upon a Cowboy: contemporary fairy tale romance (Cowboy Fairytales Book 1)
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