Dear Readers, my friend, Michelle Stimpson, has created a scriptures coloring book. I know you�ve enjoyed her books I�ve featured. Just before I had my second knee-replacement surgery was Adult Coloring Week. Some coloring pages were online for people to print.
I�ve always loved coloring. I colored with my children and grandchildren. Then it became hard to find coloring books with pretty pictures in them. I printed up the pages and bought markers and crayons. I had artist�s coloring pencils. I put all this in my bag to go to rehab when I did. You only do rehab about two hours a day, and I knew I�d want something to keep me busy when I felt a little better.
Since then, I�ve acquired several coloring books for adults. This will be a good addition to my collection.
Welcome back, Michelle. You�ve spent most of your career writing Christian novels and novellas. Why a coloring book now?
Writers need relaxation, too! I�m not a big television-watcher, so I�m kind of getting into this coloring thing during my down-time. I also wanted to combine my coloring time with meditation. What better way than to incorporate the scriptures? I dabble here and there in graphic design, so I decided to give it a try.
Do you use markers or colored pencils when you color?
I mostly use Crayola� markers because they don�t bleed through pages often. I�ve tried colored pencils, but I get tired of sharpening them, so that�s out. If I come across a coloring book where the markers bleed through, I just put a sheet of paper between the page I�m working on and the next page.
When the Inspire Bible, which has illustrated verses to color in it, released earlier this year, I bought one. While I�m coloring the picture, I�m memorizing the verse. I use gel pens for things I want highlighted in the verse. Why do you think so many adults are turning to coloring these days?
Well, this coloring craze began with the art therapy movement some time around the 1940s. But I think it goes back beyond this relatively new form of psychological intervention. Our Heavenly Father is very creative. He�s created so many beautiful things in the earth. We don�t have to look for in order to behold His majesty. As His children, we�re much like Him in our desire to create beauty. Coloring is simply one more way to express our creativity as well.
Did you create the designs in the book by hand?
Well, that depends on what you mean by �by hand.� I clicked �by hand� and purchased some of the backgrounds�LOL! But no, I�m not much for drawing. Everything was done by purchasing fonts and background designs, then manipulating them through graphics software.
Will you be making another coloring book?
I�m thinking about it. When I�m sitting at a booth selling books, people will buy a coloring book often before they�ll buy a chapter book. The coloring books are quite a novelty, so I�ll pray about it and see where it goes!
Can children enjoy this coloring book, too?
Certainly! While most of the designs would take hours for anyone to complete, the book does contain some less intricate designs that would be great for kids.
How can my readers find you on the Internet?
My contact info:
Link to the book on Amazon:
Thank you, Michelle, for sharing this with my blog readers.
Comment question to answer: Have you tried adult coloring? What is your favorite type of pictures to color?
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