Bio: Kimberly writes sweet inspirational romance. She married her college sweetheart 25 years ago. Her hobbies include reading, watching chick flicks, playing the piano, long walks with her hubby and their yellow lab, drinking coffee, and eating dark chocolate. Kimberly holds a degree in Behavioral Science and is a member of ACFW.
Welcome back, Kimberly. How did you come up with the idea for this story?
This story started out as a novella idea that I pitched along with several other authors to another publisher years ago. At that time, I was yet unpublished and had the time to tinker with it when we were not offered a contract. This story has changed more times than I can remember and has grown over the years into what it is today. I honestly don�t recall the inspiration, but that�s a little of the history of how it came to be.
If you were planning a party with Christian authors of contemporary fiction, what six people would you invite and why?
Margaret Daley because she is one of my critique partners, and we�ve never met in person. The others five would be JoAnn Durgin because we have only met online, and I would love to get to know her in person, Lynette Eason because I love her books, Susan May Warren because she seems like she�d be a lot of fun, and finally Christina Berry AKA Christina Tarbochia because she is such a fun person to be around. Christina is one of the first people I met in the publishing world, and she was also one of the authors who was originally involved with the novella collection A Love To Treasure was pitched in.
Now let�s do that for a party for Christian authors of historical fiction, what six people would you invite and why?
I�m not a huge historical fiction reader, but I would for sure include my other two critique partners, Miralee Ferrell and Vickie McDonough. Then I would invite Jen Turano because I like her books and have never met her, Karen Barnett because she is nice, Leslie Gould for the same reason, and finally Davalynn Spencer because she seems like she�d be a fun person.
Many times, people (and other authors) think you have it made with so many books published. What is your most difficult problem with writing at this time in your career?
Keeping up the momentum. There is a lot of self-imposed pressure to have a book release every four to six months. My publisher is all for that, but I am tired and sometimes it�s hard to keep up with everything.
Tell us about the featured book.
A Love to Treasure is a little different from my other published books. It has a little mystery and suspense mixed into the sweet romance story. Here is the back cover blurb.
School teacher Nicole Davis is on summer break, but this vacation is unlike any other. Her beloved Grandmother�s final wish has landed Nicole smack in the middle of her favorite destination�Sunriver , Oregon , following Grams�s clues on a mysterious scavenger hunt. Unexpectedly, Nicole finds more than just a fellow sleuth in a handsome police officer, Mark Stone. But Mark must return to his job in Portland at summer�s end, and Nicole must guard her heart.
Mark is hoping for a quiet summer in Sunriver as he contemplates his future in law enforcement, but a string of burglaries draws him from his self-imposed break from detective work and thrusts him into the middle of the investigation. To complicate matters, Nicole is in jeopardy, and he knows his growing feelings for her could cloud his judgment. Will their differing career goals be the end of their summer romance�or just the beginning of forever after?
Mark is hoping for a quiet summer in Sunriver as he contemplates his future in law enforcement, but a string of burglaries draws him from his self-imposed break from detective work and thrusts him into the middle of the investigation. To complicate matters, Nicole is in jeopardy, and he knows his growing feelings for her could cloud his judgment. Will their differing career goals be the end of their summer romance�or just the beginning of forever after?
Please give us the first page of the book.
Nicole Davis drove past a huge welcome sign to Sunriver , Oregon , and grinned. She was finally here. She loved this resort community and still couldn�t believe it would be her home for the next few months.
She bore to the right around the traffic circle. Suddenly a black car came out of nowhere. Nicole swerved and slammed on the brake, her front bumper barely missing the side of the black car. Her heart pounded as she weaved her Mini Cooper S onto the miniscule dirt shoulder a few feet from a large pine tree. She put the car in park, her breath coming in quick puffs. She looked around to make sure she hadn�t hit anything. Whew. Everything looked okay.
The crazy driver who ran her off the road drove around the circle again and pulled off the road in front of her. This couldn�t be good. She gulped as a dark-haired man wearing jeans and a dark gray T-shirt stalked toward her.
Her gut clenched. She checked her reflection in the rearview mirror and noted her wide green eyes filled with fear. Not good. She needed to appear unaffected by the incident or he�d see her vulnerability. She took a deep breath then let it out in a whoosh. After making sure no cars were coming, she stepped out of her Mini Cooper and onto the shoulder, refusing to be intimidated by the man. His height caught her by surprise. Most men were only a few inches taller than she was, but not this guy. He towered above her five-foot-nine-inch frame. And those biceps�maybe she should�ve stayed in the car. But he didn�t look dangerous, only irritated.
She offered him a tentative smile. �That was a close call.�
�No kidding. You didn�t yield.� He pointed to a yellow sign.
�Oops. Sorry.� Her face heated. Grams always said she barreled through life.
However, she generally obeyed traffic signs. �I didn�t see the sign.�
I�m eager to read the rest of the story. How can readers find you on the Internet?
My website is can subscribe to my newsletter there which is the best way to know when I have an upcoming release. I also love connecting with people on Facebook. I recently started a fan page. Here is the link to join the group you are a Twitter person, you can follow me @kimberlyrosejoh. My author page on Amazon is
Thanks for hosting me! These questions were fun and made me think. J
I'm always happy to have you on the blog, Kimberly. I write under the name Lena Nelson Dooley, in case someone knew me as Lena Nelson, but my actual middle name is also Rose.
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