Image-In This! Or Not
We've all heard the rules of imagery before--be concrete, be unique, be sensory, be partial, be specific and I've posted blogs on this before both here and on my Goodreads Restop blog: Wordy Wanderings Rest Stop, So, to cover new territory, I'm going to offer my final poems for National Poetry Month a. In May and b. without a focus on imagery.
Because I'm a fan of looking at things from various angles and "showing the other side of things" knowing that few things have only two sides, here is an article from the American Academy of Poets that suggests we should move beyond concrete imagery: "In Praise of Abstraction".
But to keep concrete imagery in the mix, I'll also share an article on imagery. Here's an article that looks at imagery in the work of the poet and playwright Garcia Lorca: The Imagery of Garcia Lorca
Now back to other forms of poetry. As we see in the work of ee cummings who famously brought the issue of sound, visuals, and abstractions to the forefront in modern poetry, imagery is not a requirement for poetry that could rely on experiential elements of abstraction vs. imagery.
To look at how this can work, I'll approach a subject in terms of imagery, then in terms of abstraction. Let me know which you prefer and why? Keep in mind, they will both be initial drafts that may lead to very different poems in the end.
(28 of 30)
A Desk
Images of an office supply store
come to mind
Yet that would not account
for the books, piled spine in
spine out,
genre graphic
to text book graphite
the gray dust
words bound
for discussion
sticky note pocked
question mark riddled
pile of unfilled papers
unpaid bill
that I cannot account for
Coffee cup ringed with pen marks
but hosting only highlighters
a pair of scissors
and memories of the pens
that marked it
Where are my notes
for the lecture
I have to give
in an hour?
And now once more in abstraction!!
(29 of 30)
words withering waiting for a station in line
a memory of location a unleashing from the page
dogeared, shuffled, marked, stickied
read, reshuffled recalled
bound by glue by eyes that scan
follow the dotted lines of allusions
highlighters unused
pens off to parts on known
woodgrain printed on plastic
glued beneath the weight of days
weeks semesters of appointments
lectures advising lunches with a half-life
computers with letters worn to memory
drafts written revisioned repeated
submitted rejected
for me
to find
them beneath the pile
Better 2 days late then never, right?
a dozen doubled days plus five
a poem in a shell
each nested
in advice
wrapped in articles
set not in time
nor place
nor rhyme
but in flux
waiting for the
aging process
to proclaim it
a heady bouquet
or vinegar fit
for naught