Seven Bridge Sessions
A Path to Inspiration: Mindfulness and Creativity for Writers
With Eowyn Ahlstrom
Saturday, April 16, 2016
10:30 a.m. � 12:30 p.m.
Thayer Memorial Library, Dexter Thayer Room
In this workshop, we will explore the relationship between mindfulness, embodiment, and creativity, especially as it relates to writing. The session will include guided mindfulness practices, guided creativity practices, and an introduction to the myriad, delightful ways these relate to and can support each other. There will also be time for questions and discussion. Designed for a varied audience, the program will engage beginners to meditation and writing, as well as those with years of experience.
Eowyn Ahlstrom, LMT, RYT first encountered meditation and yoga more than twenty years ago and has been practicing avidly ever since. She trained to teach at the University of Massachusetts Center for Mindfulness and the Karuna Center for Yoga and Healing Arts. Over the years, Eowyn has made mindfulness practice central to her life, attending many silent meditation retreats and yoga practice courses. Based at Listening Wellness Center in Barre, MA, Eowyn now teaches regionally and is a faculty member at the Center for Mindfulness. Her offerings include weekly classes, eight-week Mindfulness-Based Sress Reduction courses, yoga for retreats at the Insight Meditation Society, and an in-depth nine month program, which she developed to re-integrate yoga and mediation, entitled� Living Yoga, Living Mindfully.� Her approach to practice and teaching is holistic, with a strong emphasis on embodiment. You can learn more through her website,
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