Sunday, March 27, 2016

Wondercon 2016 - Day 3

Today was the third and final day of Wondercon 2016. What made today different from days 1 & 2? Today was our R2 Building panel!

Usually we are rushed to setup for our presentations, and then again to hurry up and get out so the next panel can present. Today however, we were first up, so we could take our time. Of course, being the first panel on 10:30am on Easter Sunday morning doesn't help attendance a whole lot, but we still drew pretty well.

Toward the end of our session, we were joined by special guest Lee Towersey. For those that don't know, Lee helped build the Episode VII R2-D2, along with other droids used in the film. He's also gone on to work on Rogue One and Episode VIII. We asked Lee to recount his story of going from the R2 Builders Club to having built R2 for the movies, and everyone enjoyed hearing his story.

A post-panel picture, minus William Miyamoto.

Gordon Tarpley as C-3PO joined Dan John's R2 for a photo op for the attendees.

The streak is alive! Chris Romines taking another opportunity to use a convention as a build day.

At 5:00pm, we wrapped up. Another show in the books! I'm sure the next one will be here before I know it.