Saturday, February 20, 2016

Ronald McDonald House Fundraiser

Today my R2-D2 and I joined Paul Thompson and his R2-D1, and several members of the 501st and Rebel Legions to help raise funds for Ronald McDonald House charities. The event was held in Manhattan Beach, CA, at the Marriott hotel.

We did photo ops, and each photo raised $5.00 for the charity.

They provided a break room for us upstairs. This was the room next to our break room. Although the sign says No Smoking, I have a feeling there was smoking going on in there.

After the photo-op session, there was a charity auction of donated items and memorabilia. About 100 people were in attendance.

One of the items up for auction: An autographed picture of Michael McMaster, along with a PEZ R2-D2!

This ended up going for... $130.00! (Paul dropped out of the bidding at $125. :) )

The event ended up raising thousands of dollars for this worthy charity, and everyone had a good time.