Saturday, February 6, 2016

Make-A-Wish for Noah

Today R2 joined members of the 501st and Rebel Legions to help grant a wish to Noah, via Make-A-Wish.

R2 and I had met Noah back in May of 2008. It took me a few minutes to recall.

The characters were ensconced in a garage, for a surprise appearance for Noah and guests.

When everyone outside was ready, we opened the garage door and surprised all the guests!

Besides our appearance, Make-A-Wish also presented Noah with a new electric guitar and amplifier. Noah has grown quite a bit from that 2008 visit.

We hung around for a couple hours, posing for photos with Noah and the guests, before we wrapped up.

It was a nice visit, and I'm always happy to help Make-A-Wish whenever possible.