Dear Google Gurus,
Today's post is a call for help.
In the last several years, I've become a Google fan. I honestly can't imagine life without Google (shhh, don't tell them). My favorite piece of the Google family is Google Drive. I love its capabilities. It's been a long time since I word processed something on my computer based software. Google Documents give me the ability to create, collaborate, and organize my documents. I appreciate the ability to work with others and to receive feedback on my documents. I appreciate the ease of sharing and the flexibility in making documents private, limited, or public. I appreciate being able to go back in the history to look at revisions.
However, any trip into my shared folder makes me crazy. The longer you use Google drive the harder it becomes as documents upon documents pile up in a long list. I've learned to organize my personal documents into folders in my personal drive, but seem to have little control in what others send to me. Additionally, I always worry about messing up someone's document.
I know someone out there has already solved this problem. I'm hoping you'll share the answers with me.
- How do you handle documents that are shared with you?
- How can I organize my shared drive?
- Do I have any ability to tag, sort, move, or delete?
Please help!
As part of a continuous collaboration among educators interested in digital learning, Margaret Simon hosts a weekly Digital Learning round-up on her blog: DigiLit Sunday. Stop by Reflections on the Teche.