I certainly have been wandering since last I posted here...I finished a Ph.D. at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, I published a novel-in-verse called Pretty Omens , moved and purchased a horse to name a few.... I've also been blogging over at the Wordy Wanderings Rest Stop a habit I do believe I will continue as well as updating this lovely blog. Speaking of lovely blogs, I recently did a guest blog with Clara Gillow Clark. You can see it here: From the Inside Out
I've also been upping my social media game which pretty much means I could comparatively spell h-o-r-s-e rather than p-i-g if social media were a basketball shooting game you did in your drive way. Still, I know have a Twitter feed @artlafye, an updated webpage ALaFaye.com, an instagram account A LaFaye, and a facebook page and why have I done all this? To stay connected. Yup. To draw in more readers to my work, you betcha! To draw attention to the need for more culturally diverse, accurate, thought provoking, and transformational literature--definitely. I blog, post, tweet, instagram anything and everything writerly, readerly, and culturally engaging. More to come soon!