Since the museum is pretty much next door to where the retired Space Shuttle Endeavor now lives at the California Science Center, I decided to arrive early and check out my tax dollars.

Around 4:30pm we had R2 take pictures with the wedding party before the guests arrived. R2's appearance was to be a surprise to the guests.

This time around, R2 was not to be in the ceremony itself, but he was to make an appearance at the reception. So I stowed R2 in the room where the groom and groomsmen were awaiting the ceremony.

Since I had some time, I looked around the museum a bit. I asked one of the employees what time the dinosaurs come to life, but I only got the weary half-smile that I give when I'm asked if R2 can fly, so I went back to the room R2 was in to wait for the reception.

Well, apparently the ceremony was a success, because the next time I saw Brianne and Phillip at the reception, they were man and wife.

R2 was indeed a fun surprise for the guests, and lots of them took pictures.

We wrapped up pictures, and that was a wrap for R2. After everyone retired to dinner, I covered him up, headed to the elevator, and tried to take an odd selfie.

Weddings are always fun, and I was glad I was able to help out with this one. Congratulations, Brianne and Phillip.