Truth be told, some of the builders had already started setting up, especially for the Sandcrawler set downstairs on the main expo show floor. The R2 Builders room was a gigantic area on the second floor, room 213ABCD.
I pulled up the Droidmobile to the dock for unloading.

Once inside, my first stop was the Sandcrawler set, whose build was headed up by Michael McMaster. This set was fantastic!

Next stop, the R2 Builders room. My droid was designated as Droid 36 for the room, next to Mike Senna's two droids. I found my spot and parked R2.

A couple of other of my favorite droids were in our room, Chopper (that Michael McMaster also built) from Rebels, and Chris Reiff's A New Hope-style R2. Chris' droid is the most accurate club droid I have ever seen.

Cole Horton and Chris put together an outstanding History of R2 exhibit in our room, and I even made a little contribution to the content.

Once I was done in the R2 Builders room, I returned to the show floor to have a look around.
Roxy the Rancor made it!

The Cantina set! Super-cool.

Other fun stuff.

Oh man, this is going to be fun!!
The full photoset is here.